Barn Swallows Will Soon Be Swarming
The Hive

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The Hive, located in London Ontario, recently installed several Barn Swallow nest platforms around their property.

Currently listed as threatened on the Species at Risk list, Barn Swallows have suffered a population decrease of 65% in recent years. As is the case with all species that make it onto this list, habitat loss is one factor to blame. Barn Swallows prefer an open habitat including city parks, agricultural land, and bodies of water such as rivers, lakes and ponds. As cities grow and land is developed, these open expanses where Barn Swallows live are being destroyed.

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This narrow drip edge under a soffit provides enough of a ledge for a Barn Swallow to construct its nest.

Barn Swallows construct their mud nests in a variety of locations, but prefer some type of ledge on a human made structure. Places where Barn Swallows nest include under bridges, eaves troughs, and on top of rafters or beams in sheds and garages. Modern buildings constructed of aluminum or galvanized steel are tightly sealed. This denies Barn Swallows access to their beams and rafters, drastically reducing the number of potential nest sites. If you are a landowner with Barn Swallows on your property, providing these birds with an alternative nesting option is something you can do to help reduce the further decline of this species.

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Barn Swallows collect mud to construct their nests. The mud often contains grass and other debris found within the mud. The nests are then lined with grasses and feathers.

While attending BeeFest at The Hive in south London last summer, I noticed several Barn Swallows flying over the open fields of the property. Several of their small mud nests could be seen under the eaves troughs and overhangs of various buildings located on the property.

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Barn Swallows, an aerial insectivore, prefer an open habitat that allows them to forage on insects.

Last week I contacted Jenna Goodhand, owner of The Hive, and asked if she would be interested in adding some nest platforms to the sides of the buildings to increase the number of locations where Barn Swallows could build their nests. Knowing the state of these threatened birds, Jenna was more than happy to help out. I was invited out to survey the area and collectively decide where the nest platforms would be best suited.

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The overhang on this shed is an ideal location to mount a nest platform under. The narrow ledge of the platform will provide the perfect place for a Barn Swallow to construct its mud nest.

Barn Swallows will reuse the same nest each year, so buildings with sufficient overhangs and ledges and those with nests from last season attached were avoided. It was obvious that the birds were successful here and didn’t require our help. Our focus was on the buildings that had no nests attached. These buildings had great overhangs for nesting under, but lacked a small ledge or suitable surface for the Barn Swallows to attach a mud nest to. Our goal was to install the nest platforms on these buildings to provide more Barn Swallows and future generations of Barn Swallows adequate structures on which to build their nests in hopes of increasing their population. After determining adequate locations, several nest platforms were installed. Jenna and I will be monitoring these platforms throughout the year and I will be adding updates to my blog regarding their success once the birds have returned to the area.

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Adding nest platforms to your buildings is something any land owner can do to help this fragile species.

These custom made Barn Swallows nest platforms differ from commercial nest platforms in that the ledge is only 2.5″ wide. This narrow ledge is wide enough for the Barn Swallows to construct their nest, but narrow enough to deter other birds that nest on platforms such as the American Robin or Mourning Dove. Barn Swallow nest platforms should be installed under an overhang on the side of a human made building such as a shed, garage or boathouse; not on a tree or fence post as is the case with nest boxes. Recommended mounting height for the platforms is 7-12 feet off the ground and 5 feet apart. Facing the platforms north or east will ensure they do not get too hot from the afternoon sun. As mentioned, Barn Swallows construct their nests from mud, so positioning the platforms near a garden, shoreline, or other mud source will add to their success.

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Young Barn Swallows peering out of their nest.

If you have Barn Swallows on your property, consider adding nest platforms to your buildings to help this delicate species. Providing adequate habitat and sufficient nest sites are easy steps landowners can take to ensure the future of this species. For best results, platforms should be installed before the birds return, so act fast. Barn Swallows, an aerial insectivore, are great birds to have around as they naturally control insect populations. If adding nest platforms is something you are interested in, my previous post Barn Swallows Nest Platforms has more information, including more images and dimensions.

A special thanks to Jenna Goodhand of The Hive for doing her part to help save a Species at Risk. If you wish to follow along throughout the season, subscribe to my blog via email and have new posts including updates from The Hive sent right to your inbox.

Good birding,






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Your Spring Garden Can Benefit Multiple Species At Risk

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Monarch Butterfly numbers have decreased so drastically in recent years they are listed as a Species at Risk.

With spring less than one week away many people, myself included, are anxious to get back out in their gardens. Gardening for me isn’t just about having an aesthetically pleasing yard, it is about creating habitat for as many species as possible. In the eight years I have been in my current home I have transformed my yard from an area void of trees, shrubs, flowers and wildlife, to a natural area that is now filled with a variety of native flora and consequently visited by several species of bird, insect, and mammal.

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The genus Asclepias or Milkweeds are the only host plant for the Monarch Butterfly. No Milkweed means no Monarchs.

Adding Milkweed to my yard last year was an easy decision, as I wanted to do my part to help save the Monarch Butterfly. Monarch numbers have declined so drastically in recent years that they are now listed as a Species at Risk. Milkweed is critical to the survival of the Monarch Butterfly as it is the only plant consumed by Monarch caterpillars. Several Milkweeds are available, all of the genus Asclepias, which are host plants for this fragile butterfly. I chose Common Milkweed because it is native to my area, and has a wonderful fragrance when in bloom.

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Monarch Butterfly on a Common Milkweed leaf.

March is the perfect month to start growing Common Milkweed from seed indoors. By germinating seeds now, the small plants will be ready to plant outdoors in your garden after the threat of frost. For those of us in the London, Ontario area, it is recommended waiting until the Victoria Day weekend in May.

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Making a small donation to Swift Care Ontario in exchange for a package of Milkweed seeds for your garden is a great way for anyone to help save multiple Species at Risk.

If you wish to obtain Common Milkweed seeds so you can start your own plants indoors, and you wish to help more Species at Risk than just the Monarch Butterfly, a great option exists. Swift Care Ontario, a local, licensed wildlife rehabiltator has put together Common Milkweed seed packages that are available in exchange for a donation to their centre. Detailed instructions for germinating the seeds and transplanting can be found on their website. If you are not familiar with Swift Care Ontario, they specialize in rehabilitating injured and orphaned Species at Risk birds, most notably aerial insectivores, including Chimney Swifts, Common Nighthawks, Bank Swallows, Barn Swallows and Eastern Whip-Poor-Wills. These seed packages are available at local bird feed retailer Hyde Park Feed and Country Store or by contacting Swift Care Ontario. Your donation will help Swift Care Ontario purchase food and other supplies needed in the 2015 season to raise and care for these fragile species. Licensed wildlife rehabilitation centres in Ontario, such as Swift Care Ontario, do not receive funding from the government and rely solely on donations from the public. Not only will your donation help Swift Care Ontario preserve Species at Risk birds, your Milkweed garden will also help preserve Monarch Butterflies in your own backyard. Pick up one of these seed packages today and help save multiple Species at Risk.

Good birding,



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Good Birding Report: London, Ontario
March 6-13, 2015

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Warmer temperatures this past week had several first of year species present across the city, including this Eastern Chipmunk.

The abundance of waterfowl present on the Thames River continues to be what area birders are drawn to and talking about. Thanks to this week’s warmer temperatures, most of the previously ice covered sections of river are now flowing. While this has resulted in a decrease in the concentration of ducks, the variety of species remains impressive. This week I added to my growing list of waterfowl observed this year on the Thames River with: a pair of Wood Ducks, a pair of American Wigeon, a lone Ring-necked Duck, and several American Coots. Although they are more spread out, all of the diving ducks mentioned in previous posts are still present.

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The variety of dabbling ducks increased on the Thames River this past week. Among the dabblers present are Northern Pintails.

A complete list of waterfowl I observed this past week is as follows:

  • American Black Duck
  • American Coot
  • American Wigeon

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    Female Common Goldeneye.

  • Bufflehead
  • Canada Goose
  • Canvasback
  • Common Goldeneye
  • Common Merganser
  • Greater Scaup
  • Harlequin Duck
  • Hooded Merganser
  • Lesser Scaup
  • Long-tailed Duck
  • Northern Pintail
  • Mallard
  • Red-breasted Merganser
  • Redhead
  • Ring-necked Duck
  • White-winged Scoter
  • Wood Duck
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Male Harlequin Duck in flight.

For birders along the Thames River, the Harlequin Duck continues to be the big attraction. Everyday as I walk the river, fellow birders can be heard asking each other if they have seen the duck. My last sighting of the Harlequin Duck was Thursday afternoon, upstream of the foot bridge to Thames Valley Golf Course. This bird slowly made his way upriver all week from where it spent so much time previously, downstream from the old pump house. Despite walking the entire stretch of river from the outflow at Greenway Park to the Sanatorium Road bridge on Friday, I was unsuccessful at locating the Harlequin Duck. The last report to eBird, at the time of writing this, had him present in front of the London Canoe Club late Thursday.

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American Coots are among the variety of waterfowl present on the Thames River.

With warm temperatures and south winds, I expected to see more migrants show up this past week. Although I did read reported sightings in our area, I was surprised not to personally observe any Red-winged Blackbirds or Common Grackles. We should see increased numbers of blackbirds in the coming weeks. While scanning the Thames River for waterfowl at the old pump house, I heard the distinct call of a Killdeer. Looking out over the water I observed the bird fly across and set down on the recently thawed sand bar on the far bank. Watching through binoculars, I could see the Killdeer foraging in the wet sand. I also observed my first Eastern Chipmunks of the year this past week, one in my backyard and two in Springbank Park.

Early spring is an excellent time to get out birding. With so many resident species, plus the overlapping of incoming and outgoing migrants, the variety of birds around at this time of year can be quite impressive. Also, the increased temperatures we are experiencing have made birding conditions more comfortable. Next week is March Break, a great time to get outdoors with kids and introduce them to nature. For those of you not heading south, get out and enjoy the remaining overwintering birds that can be found across the city, and those returning from their wintering grounds.

Good birding,


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Time Is Running Out For Winter Birding

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Time is running out to observe overwintering species such as Snowy Owls in our area.

As the days become longer and spring approaches, many of the birds that have been overwintering across our region will begin their migration north. There are currently great opportunities in and around the city to view some incredible species, but with every passing day the window of opportunity narrows. The frigid temperatures are partially responsible for the incredible winter birding we have experienced this winter; not knowing what next winter will bring it is best to act now if there are certain birds you still wish to see.

For the second year in a row, Snowy Owls irrupted throughout Southwestern Ontario including many sightings around London, Ontario. Recent sightings from south of the city in the Manning Drive and Wellington Road area, as well as the Old Victoria Road and Wilton Grove Road area have been reported. This past week I decided to check the area Northwest of Strathroy, a popular wintering area for these Owls, and located two.

If you still need a Snowy Owl for your year or life list, and you are not planning a trip to the Arctic, than I suggest heading out in the next couple of weeks as these birds will be migrating north very soon. Rough-legged Hawks are another raptor to keep an eye out for while driving the back roads. Breeding in the Arctic Tundra and taiga these large birds of prey are only seen in Southwestern Ontario during winter months.

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Although a year round resident in our area, the Horned Lark is more easily observed against a snow covered background.

While searching for Snowy Owls be sure to keep an eye out for Snow Buntings. These predominantly white birds can be observed at the side of roads and in the fields adjacent to them. Snow Buntings return to their Arctic breeding grounds in early April leaving little time to see them across Southwestern Ontario. Flocks of Horned Larks can also be observed in the same areas as Snow Buntings; these ground birds can be found year round across our area, but are much easier to locate during winter months when the ground is covered in snow.

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Common Redpolls are among the many species that will soon be leaving our area.

Small songbirds including finches like the Common Redpoll and Pine Siskin will soon migrate north. These birds can be seen at backyard feeders feeding on sunflower and nyjer seeds. If your feeders are not being visited by either of these species, I am still observing good numbers of these birds along the banks of the Thames River feeding on Alder catkins. Many overwintering sparrow species including: White-throated, White-crowned, American Tree, and the Dark-eyed Junco will soon be absent from the region as spring approaches.

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Rare birds such as the Harlequin Duck overwintering on the Thames River potentially offer once in a lifetime views.

Those of you that subscribe to my blog, or follow me on Facebook and Twitter already know what an incredible winter it has been for waterfowl on the Thames River in London, Ontario. With 20 species of waterfowl reported, the banks of the Thames has been popular with birders this winter. Many birders have been walking the banks in search of the Harlequin Duck. This rare duck is only the second ever recorded in Middlesex County, with the last reported in 1968. If you have not yet experienced the beauty of a Harlequin Duck, than I recommend heading down to the river as soon as you can. The eastern population of this duck breeds across Northern Quebec, Labrador, or Southern Baffin Island and is yet another species that will soon be gone.

It is not just the Harlequin Duck that will disappear from the Thames River. Some of the 20 species of waterfowl that will be leaving our area in the near future include: Common Goldeneyes, Greater Scaup, Canvasbacks, and White-winged Scoters.

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Common Goldeneyes and other diving ducks will soon be leaving the Thames River to return to their breeding grounds to our north.

If there is a species that you are wishing to see this winter, but are not sure where to locate them than consult the eBird species map. This map is a great tool for birders to locate any species around the world, and is easy to use. Simply enter the species you wish to locate, and the location in which you would like to observe it. To narrow your search, select the current year. The map will then display all reported sightings of that particular species. You can then zoom in to see the exact location of all reported sightings nearest you.

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Irruptions do not typically happen every year. Take advantage of the few remaining weeks of winter to locate and observe some of the wonderful birds that are overwintering in our area.

One key factor that triggers bird migration is the amount of daylight. As the days get longer, overwintering birds will start making their way north to their breeding grounds. Many of these species will likely be leaving within the next couple of weeks. Our clocks go forward this weekend giving us an extra hour of daylight in the evenings to head out birding in search of some of these overwintering species. When it comes to Snowy Owls or the Harlequin Duck, take advantage of daylight savings and make a point to get out and observe these birds. There is no guarantee that these birds will return to our area next winter and present such incredible views.

Good birding,



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Good Birding Report: London, Ontario
February 22- March 1, 2015

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Common Goldeneyes are one of the many species of waterfowl currently overwintering on the Thames River

February departs as the coldest one on record for London, Ontario, but with cold temperatures came great birding opportunities. Once again this winter the volume and variety of waterfowl on the Thames River has been simply spectacular.

This past week I personally observed sixteen species of waterfowl on the river between Springbank and Greenway Parks. The regular overwintering species are all present as well as increasing numbers of the less common visitors. Redheads, Canvasbacks, Long-tailed Ducks, and Red-breasted Mergansers can now be readily observed at various locations on this stretch of river. Among the new arrivals to the river this week were four White-winged Scoters at Greenway Park.

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Male Canvasback shaking the water off after resurfacing from a dive.

A complete list of the waterfowl observed this past week on the Thames River is as follows:

  • American Black Duck

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    Buffleheads are one of the smallest species of waterfowl overwintering on the Thames River.

  • Bufflehead
  • Canada Goose
  • Canvasback
  • Common Goldeneye
  • Common Merganser
  • Greater Scaup
  • Harlequin Duck
  • Hooded Merganser
  • Horned Grebe
  • Long-tailed Duck
  • Mallard
  • Red-breasted Merganser
  • Redhead
  • Red-necked Grebe
  • White-winged Scoter
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I watched this Red-breasted Merganser for several minutes as it struggled to swallow a small catfish.

The rare Harlequin Duck that was first reported on February 10 is still present at Springbank Park. According to local records, this is only the second ever Harlequin Duck recorded in Middlesex County with the last sighting in 1968. This really is a rare opportunity to observe one of these ducks close to home. If you haven’t located this bird yet, my last post Harlequin Duck Continues To Elude Some Area Birders offers suggestions on how to go about locating the Harlequin Duck.

Large, mixed flocks of Herring and Ring-billed Gulls were observed on the ice at Greenway Park. Present in this large flock were two Great Black-backed Gulls. Great Black-backed Gulls are the largest gull in the world and are easily identified by their black backs and white underparts. These Gulls are typically found to our northeast, with their year round range extending from Lake Ontario to the Atlantic Coast. Overwintering Great Black-backed Gulls can often be found along the Lake Erie shoreline; like so many other species this winter they have moved inland due to the increased ice coverage on the Great Lakes in search of food.

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From its perch in a Spruce tree, this Red-tailed Hawk patiently waits for prey to appear below.

Raptor activity along the river has been impressive too. Red-tailed Hawks are readily observed soaring high above, as well as lower down perched in trees. Several mammals including Eastern Grey Squirrels have a hard time moving about in deep snow. As a result, many Squirrels are spending a considerable amount of time in and around evergreen trees where the thick branches have prevented snow from reaching the ground. It is here where these mammals forage on the fallen seeds from various cones, as well as peanuts left by park goers.

Red-tailed Hawks are using this as a perfect feeding opportunity. I recently observed these raptors perched 10-15 feet off the ground in the dense cover of the spruce trees. When an unsuspecting squirrel ventured out from under the tree, the Red-tailed Hawk made a short drop onto its prey. These birds appear to be having a much better success rate with this approach than if they were to dive from high above. As a birder and photographer I do not bait birds of prey, and am not leaving peanuts under the trees for the squirrels in an effort to bait the hawks. Other raptors readily observed are Bald Eagles, Cooper’s and Sharp-shinned Hawks.

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The patchy white feathers on this American Robin indicate it is leucistic.

A large flock of American Robins were located in the west end of Springbank Park next to the dam. These birds could be observed feeding on the berries from the invasive Common Buckthorn tree. Contrary to what many believe, robins are not a sign of spring as Southwestern Ontario falls well within their year round range. Robins are simply less visible during winter months as there diet switches to fruit and berries, and these birds move around frequently in search of food. In years when fruit is less abundant, robins may migrate south. One of the robins in the flock observed was of interest as the white patches on its plumage indicated it was leucistic. Leucism is the loss of pigment which results in these white patches. It differs from albinism in that it is a reduction of multiple pigments not just melanin, and the eye colour is not effected.

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This past week saw an increase in the number of Redheads on the Thames River. These diving ducks feed on aquatic vegetation.

My birding adventures as of late have been limited to Springbank and Greenway Parks. With such a wide variety of birds and the plowed and well packed trails, I have seen little reason to bird anywhere else within the city. As temperatures warm and the snow melts, I look forward to exploring more of my favourite locations and reporting my findings from them.

The time left to view many of these incredible waterfowl species, including the rare Harlequin Duck, so close to home will fade as temperatures increase and spring approaches. Don’t leave it too late or you could miss a once in a lifetime opportunity. Layer up, grab your binoculars or scopes and head down to the Thames River. There is no such thing as a bad day birding along the river. I am quite certain that you too will be impressed with the variety and quantity of waterfowl present on the Thames.

Good birding,


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