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Thames River Much Healthier Without Springbank Dam

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Dams have several negative effects on rivers. Since Springbank Dam became nonoperational in 2008, the health of the Thames River has improved.

Constructed at its current location in 1929, Springbank Dam was built to create water supply reservoirs and for recreational activities. As the city expanded, means by which water was collected and stored changed, as new technology became available. These obsolete reservoirs have since been replaced by park, and the pump house converted to washrooms. Plenty of recreational activities exist, as canoeing, kayaking and fishing are still enjoyed along the river.

Contrary to what many believe, Springbank Dam serves no purpose in flood control as is evident by London’s famous flood in 1937. In fact, the threat of flooding wasn’t resolved until Fanshawe Dam was completed in 1952. Springbank Dam has been nonoperational since 2008 when after repairs, debris in the river caused one of the gates to shift and bolts securing that gate’s hinge sheared off. Since this time, the health of the river has improved.

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Natural water levels make for a much healthier river. Air and water quality is improved, and wildlife habitat increases. Both factors are beneficial to the many Species at Risk residing in and along the Thames River.

Dams are unhealthy for rivers in many ways. They create an unnatural barrier preventing fish and other aquatic life from moving freely up and down stream. The decreased flow of water causes sediment and nutrients to build up and an increase in water temperature. These factors promote the growth of harmful bacteria and algae. When Springbank Dam was operational, stagnant, slow moving water, made the river appear dirty and produced the aroma associated with it for so many years. Glancing at the river when passing by, it now appears much cleaner than it did when the dam was operational. It is not just an appearance, the river is in fact cleaner. The increased flow of water keeps a fresh supply coming from upstream and moves sediment, nutrients, and treated sewage from Greenway Pollution Control Plant out of the city.

Many Species at Risk inhabit the Thames River and its watershed. Ten species of fish and ten species of freshwater mussel currently found in the river are listed as Species at Risk. Seven species of snake and six species of turtle that are currently listed as Species at Risk reside within the Thames River watershed. Several factors have led to the decline of these species including: habitat loss, pollution, and siltation, all negative effects caused by Springbank Dam.

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The Northern Map Turtle is a Species At Risk residing in the Thames River. Nesting habitat for these and other turtles has increased without Springbank Dam in operation.
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A threatened species, the Spiny Softshell Turtle is benefiting without Springbank Dam. Increased habitat has resulted in the UTRCA Species At Risk Reptile Team protecting 175 nests this year. The most ever!

Seven of the eight turtle species residing in Ontario are now listed as Species At Risk. Six of these species are found within the Thames River Watershed. Among these species is the Spiny Softshell Turtle, currently listed as threatened. Habitat loss and pollution are two of this species biggest threats; both issues have improved since Springbank Dam failed. With the river back at its natural level, nesting habitat for these turtles has greatly increased. The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority’s Species At Risk Reptile Team has been working hard over the years to protect these turtles and their nests. This year saw them protect 175 Spiny Softshell Turtle nests, the most ever, proof this species is benefiting without Springbank Dam.

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During spring and fall migration, songbirds and waterfowl follow the Thames River valley. Resting and feeding in and along the river is key to their survival. The healthier river is now attracting more species.

With the Thames River now at its natural level, reforestation is occurring, increasing the size of the riparian zone. A riparian zone is the area of vegetation where the land and river meet. This area helps reduce pollution and improve water quality. Along the Thames, many beneficial native species of tree, shrub, wild flower, and grass, make up this riparian zone. Their root systems stabilize the bank, reducing erosion and the amount of sediment that ends up in the river. Less sediment means a cleaner river bed which improves the habitat where fish spawn.

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Wading birds like the Great Blue Heron are attracted to the natural water levels of the Thames River. These birds feed on fish and other aquatic life in the shallow water.

Riparian vegetation also reduces the amount of harmful nutrients and pesticides that enter the river with run off following periods of rain. Although these nutrients occur naturally in aquatic ecosystems, high levels result in nutrient pollution. Many of these nutrients and pesticides are applied to lawns by golf courses, homeowners, and city parks along the river. Most notable are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium found in fertilizers. Too much nitrogen and phosphorus in the river can cause water to become polluted.

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Natural reforestation is occurring along the Thames River in areas that with Springbank Dam operational would otherwise be underwater. Native species such as Poplars, Aspen, and Willow are among the new growth.

Trees in the riparian zone provide nest sites for birds. Wood and debris that fall from these trees into the river provide shelter, current breaks and habitat for fish and aquatic insects. The shade created by these trees regulates the water temperature benefiting several fish species, as most fish, including many on the Species at Risk list, thrive in cooler water.

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Riparian vegetation is key to a healthy river. Following periods of rain, this vegetation reduces the amount of harmful nutrients and pesticides entering the river with run off.

Leaves, twigs and other organic matter that fall into the river and riparian zone, provides food for many aquatic organisms. Increased vegetation along the banks helps slow the force of the water after heavy rains, which prevents erosion of the river bed. When a riverbed erodes the local groundwater table is lowered, which has negative effects on the environment. These negative effects include: loss of wetlands and riparian vegetation, more frequent and severe drought, reduced biodiversity and wildlife habitat loss.

Evidence of this reforestation and increased size to the riparian zone is most easily noticed at Springbank Park on both sides of the river, from the dam, upstream to the old pump house. Beneficial reforestation is not limited to this section of the river as it occurs in many areas as you follow the river upstream.


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Monarch Butterflies are benefiting from Milkweed that has grown in areas that would otherwise be underwater. Milkweed is key to the survival of Monarch Butterflies as it is the only plant their caterpillars eat. These areas of Milkweed will be destroyed if Springbank Dam is repaired.
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The Red Osier Dogwood is one of many native plant species to grow in the Riparian area. Not only does this shrub reduce sediment, nutrients, and pesticides from entering the river, its flowers attract beneficial pollinators like butterflies and bees. The fruit is also a favourite of many birds.

Native species in the riparian zone where natural reforestation is occurring along the Thames River include: Poplar, Aspen, Cottonwood, and Sycamore. Smaller fruit bearing trees and shrubs, like Dogwoods and Chokecherries, are also found. Migratory birds use the Thames River as a highway, feeding on various organisms such as insects, fish, and berries. These same organisms provide food year round to resident birds. Birds nest and raise their young in these same trees and shrubs. Native wild flowers such as Milkweed are growing in areas that with Springbank Dam operational would otherwise be underwater. Milkweed is critical to the survival of the Monarch Butterfly, as it is the only plant consumed by Monarch caterpillars. Other wild flowers now abundant along the banks of the Thames River are Joe-Pye-Weed, Goldenrod, and Jewel Weed. Jewel Weed is a magnet for Hummingbirds. A quick look over the large patches, especially during migration, reveals these beautiful little birds. Joe-Pye-Weed, a mid season bloomer, and Goldenrod, a late season bloomer, are both beneficial to pollinators such as Bees and Butterflies. Nectar from the late blooming Goldenrod is a favourite food of adult Monarch Butterflies who begin their 3000km migration to Mexico in early September. Mammals such as Beavers can be found nibbling on the Poplars, American Mink slip through the dense cover within the riparian zone, as do Squirrels and Chipmunks. Reptiles and amphibians such as snakes, frogs, and toads call this area home.

Repairing Springbank Dam will raise water levels to an unnatural level. The natural reforestation and beneficial riparian zone will be flooded and destroyed. Water and air quality will suffer and so too will many plant and animal species, some of them Species at Risk. Nesting habitat of threatened turtles will be unnecessarily submerged, and the slow moving, stagnant water that so many Londoners associate with the Thames will return. Future repairs will cost taxpayers millions, as new studies, research, and engineering will be required as the previous design clearly failed. A $5 million law suit launched by the City of London against the contractors hired to repair Springbank Dam is expected to hit the courts next year. If money previously spent on this project is recouped by this lawsuit, it could be spent addressing the many other issues facing our city. There is no plan for what the city intends to do with Springbank Dam in the future, but with a municipal election on October 27, 2014 it is an issue I will be discussing with my mayoral and ward candidates before I vote. If you wish to keep a healthy and diverse ecosystem and save Species at Risk in the Thames River, then leaving Springbank Dam nonoperational, thus maintaining natural water levels, is the solution.

Good birding,




Sanderling and Sunsets Along Beautiful Lake Huron

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Birding along the Great Lakes provides views of many species; this Sanderling was observed foraging amongst the rocks along the shores of Lake Huron.

The Great Lakes are excellent for birding anytime of year, but with fall migration underway now is the perfect time to hit the shores in search of birds. Two flyways, the Atlantic and Mississippi, cross over the Great Lakes with shorebirds, raptors, songbirds, gulls, and waterfowl all following these routes from as far north as the Arctic, all the way to the southern United States, Central and South America. Their shorelines act as natural highways for these birds, as they make their way south to their wintering grounds. Regardless of which Great Lake is nearest you, great birding opportunities await.

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Birds are not the only things that provide beauty along the Great Lakes; the sunsets are simply stunning.

I recently had a chance to spend some time in Bayfield Ontario, located on the east shore of Lake Huron. The mixed habitat provided a nice variety of birds. Along the lake itself was a typical Great Lake shoreline, consisting of a sand beach with mixed rocks and wood. Adjacent to the beach was a beautiful dune covered in American Beach Grass, new growth Poplars, and White Pines. Behind the dune was a wooded area made up of cedars and a wide variety of deciduous trees.

North winds prevailed during my visit which helped push the migrating birds down the shoreline through the area. Bonaparte’s Gulls, Double-crested Cormorants, and a group of six Blue-winged Teal were observed only a few feet from the beach, flying past in a southerly direction. A lone Sanderling walked down the beach foraging in the sand and stones. Monarch Butterflies were also taking advantage of the north wind; I counted twenty three in just a short period of time which is by far the most I’ve seen in recent years. Birds of prey passed overhead, with counts of Turkey Vultures being highest. A Merlin landed briefly in the top of a dead cedar tree before carrying on.  As the sun dropped low in the sky prior to setting, sixteen Common Nighthawks moved up and down the beach over the dunes feeding all the while.

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Bonaparte’s Gulls were among the species using the north winds to propel them along the shoreline.

The mixed forest was full of birds, both migrating and resident species. Listening to the various calls was quite enjoyable. Cedar Waxwings, with their high pitched whistling calls seemed to be the most prevalent, while Blue Jays did their best to drown them out. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds moved along the forest edge feeding on the native Jewel Weed. Swainson’s Thrushes could be seen gorging in the tree tops, both on berries and insects. These same mixed forests provided me with views of two new species for my life list, a Philadelphia Vireo, and a Northern Waterthrush. The Philadelphia Vireo was seen overhead moving from tree to tree, ingesting insects along the way. The yellow underparts clearly distinguished it from other vireos. The Northern Waterthrush provided the best view of all birds as this one was observed after striking a cottage window. Concerned for its well being, I didn’t even think to photograph it. I approached it slowly and quietly. Its wings were tucked in and it was sitting upright, although breathing heavily. Once it gathered itself, the bird took flight and headed back into the forest, appearing no worse for wear.

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The sunsets over Lake Huron are truly breathtaking and making the short drive to take them in is well worth it.

As September progresses along and we move into October, migration and birding will get even better. Peak numbers are typically observed mid September, but anytime you can get out is the best time to go. Research conservation areas, parks, and other public areas on the shores of the Great Lakes and find one close to you. Pack your binoculars, field guide, water and a snack and give birding in one these areas a try. Migration along the Great Lakes will not disappoint.

Good birding,


An Incredible Day Releasing A Common Nighthawk With Swift Care Ontario

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Common Nighthawks are seldom observed during the day. They are most active at dusk and dawn, when they can be seen circling the skies feeding on insects.

Swift Care Ontario, located in Komoka, is a wildlife rehabilitation center that specializes in Species At Risk with Chimney Swifts, Bank Swallows, Barn Swallows, Common Nighthawks, and Eastern Whip-poor-wills being their main focus. Licensed by both the the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Canadian Wildlife Service, they are a nonprofit organization that rescue and rehabilitate these beautiful birds in an effort to preserve their declining numbers.

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Debbie from Swift Care Ontario displays the wing pattern of a Common Nighthawk.

Common Nighthawks feed almost exclusively on insects and are beginning their 5000km migration to South America, where they will spend the winter. These birds roost during the day on tree branches, fence posts or on the ground. Their incredible camouflage and motionless behaviour make daytime sightings nearly impossible. Your best chance to observe a Common Nighthawk is at dusk or dawn when they are most active, circling the skies feeding on flying insects.

I was recently contacted by Swift Care Ontario asking if I knew of any local areas that still had Common Nighthawks present. A young, fully grown Common Nighthawk they had raised this year was ready for release and they were looking for an optimal release site where other Common Nighthawks were present. I was happy to provide Swift Care Ontario with a location where I was still observing Common Nighthawks actively feeding at dusk as a potential release site.

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What an experience seeing a Common Nighthawk this close and witnessing its release. I am truly grateful Swift Care Ontario invited me to come along.

Words cannot even begin to describe my excitement when I was once again contacted by Swift Care Ontario and asked if I would accompany them on the release to show them the exact location. Having never seen one of these birds close up and to witness one of these incredible Species At Risk being released into the wild, I knew this was going to be an amazing experience. When I spoke with Debbie from Swift Care Ontario on the phone, she asked if I could meet her on Friday August 29 at 11am for the release. She would need to feed the Common Nighthawk every hour, beginning at 6am the morning of the release, in order for it to be properly nourished. She felt that a late morning release would provide enough feedings. I graciously accepted and still couldn’t believe that I had been invited to the release. I have to admit, I felt a little bit like a child again on Christmas Eve that Thursday evening, as my excitement kept me awake most of the night.

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The young female raised and released by Swift Care Ontario seemed quite content in her new surroundings.

The Common Nighthawk was transported to the selected release site in a special container which provided ventilation and the soft mesh material prevented any wing or feather damage in transit. A soft blanket was placed over the container to keep the bird calm. Debbie scouted the site and I answered her questions about the area. Her knowledge of birds is incredible and I could really sense her passion and genuine love for what she does. I pointed to the specific area I thought would make an ideal release location. As we walked closer, Debbie described the preferred habitat of the Common Nighthawk. Hearing this, I was feeling more and more confident of the location. Debbie wanted to place the bird on a fallen log with the intent of it sitting there for several hours while it got its bearings. She was confident that the young bird would hear the other Common Nighthawks calling at dusk as they emerged to feed, and join the group. I mentioned to her that there were some logs under a Willow tree just on the edge of the wooded area that was surrounded by mixed meadow, consisting of tall grasses, Goldenrod, and Milkweed. I was delighted to hear Debbie describe the location as “perfect”.

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As we walked away the incredible camouflage became more apparent. Even though I knew where the bird was, she was still hard to distinguish from the forest floor.

Debbie opened the container and gently picked up the Common Nighthawk. I  photographed this beautiful bird as it watched intently from her hands. The colour pattern and camouflage was simply amazing. It is no wonder these birds are seldom seen when roosting. The bird was then placed on one of the fallen logs where it sat quite content while looking around. I must say, I was expecting the bird to immediately fly up into the trees to roost, but it was comfortable down on the log surveying the area and Debbie informed me this was normal behaviour when releasing this species. After several minutes, the bird fluttered, briefly hovered, then set down on the forest floor next to the fallen logs amongst the various ground cover. It was here that the incredible camouflage was once again displayed. This is when we walked away, leaving the bird to begin it’s journey in the wild.

As I mentioned, Swift Care Ontario is a nonprofit organization. Carolyn and Debbie are the two primary caregivers and neither one takes home a paycheque. They simply do it for their love of birds. Many of the birds they rehabilitate require feeding every hour, 14-16 hours a day. The time, effort and dedication these women put into ensuring the future of these Species At Risk is phenomenal. Wildlife rehabilitation centers in Ontario do not receive funding from the government and operate solely on private donations. These birds require a special diet, and many of the injured and abandoned birds received are malnourished, so vitamin supplements and probiotics are given. With veterinary costs, travel, proper enclosures, and supplies, the operating costs incurred by Swift Care Ontario are quite large. If you love birds as much as I do and wish to continue observing these Species At Risk, please consider making a donation. No amount is too small, as it all adds up. To keep up to date with Swift Care Ontario’s latest patients and releases, like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, or visit their website. Donations can easily be made by clicking here.

Good birding,



Great Experiences For Summer Birders

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With so many species present in our region during the summer months, birding can hardly be described as slow.

Many consider this time of year slow for birding, which I think is both untrue and unfair. With so many resident birds, and birds that breed in our area, there is always plenty to see. Just because we are not in a peak migration period doesn’t mean birding is slow, it just means the variety of birds isn’t as great. To call it slow, doesn’t promote year round birding in a positive way.

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Watching this Red-winged Blackbird fledgling flutter only a few feet at a time as it takes it first flight is only experienced during summer birding.

Summer birding has perks of it’s own. It is only during this time of year that certain behaviours can be seen. Interactions between adults and babies are always fun to observe. Watching the young fledglings calling with their mouths wide open for food is not something you will experience during spring or fall migration. First flights are always entertaining and sometimes humorous to watch. It is these first short excursions, that quite often only last a few seconds, that make summer birding so enjoyable.

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An inexperienced flyer, this juvenile Red-tailed Hawk passed by low overhead. Within a short period of time, this hawk will be soaring high above and such close encounters will be less likely.

Following the breeding season is one of the times when we see a plumage change in birds. As birds molt, their appearance drastically changes making it a great time of year to practice and perfect identification skills. This is especially true in waterfowl as males enter their eclipse plumage, which again is something not seen during migration.

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Plumage changes like this male Mallard showing eclipse plumage are observed during summer months.

Closer views of birds are also had during these summer months. As the season progresses, birds become more accustomed to human activity and are less wary. This is especially true with birds that migrate into our region to breed. Orioles, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, and warbler species are all much more skittish in early spring when they first arrive back in our area. Take the opportunity now to get a bird’s eye view of these species.

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Seeing this Gray Catbird call at close range makes sound and sight identification unmistakable.

Traffic from other birders is also less during the summer months. Many of my favourite birding hotspots are absent of other birders at this time of year. Less people moving about makes hearing the various songs and calls easier. With the closer views mentioned earlier, quite often birds can be seen singing or calling, making summer the perfect time to learn identification by sound.

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More runners than flyers, Killdeer chicks are always fun to observe.

Bird activity is always greatest during cooler periods of the day, making early morning and evening the better times to go. Dress appropriately, making sure to protect yourself from the sun and insects. Sunscreen, a hat, and insect repellant should all be worn during summer birding.

Get out there and make the most of summer birding. Take in the once a year experiences that are happening right now. I’m sure you will agree that summer birding is hardly slow.

Good birding,




Dragonflies Play An Important Role In Our Ecosytem


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The Widow Skimmer is a common Dragonfly in Southwestern Ontario. Their diet consists of other insects including mosquitoes.

So many insects these days seem to be frowned upon. They are quickly swatted or sprayed in an effort to rid them from our homes and gardens because they bite, sting, eat our flowers and vegetables, or to many just simply appear gross.

One group of insects that play an important role in controlling the population unwanted insects are Dragonflies. These fast flying insects are incredibly maneuverable and do an excellent job of naturally controlling the numbers of many unwanted insects, including mosquitoes. Dragonflies are voracious eaters and can consume their own body weight in as little as thirty minutes. This translates to hundreds of mosquitoes a day. The diet of a Dragonfly is not limited to mosquitoes, as they eat other insects including flies and ants.

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Dragonflies play an important role in naturally controlling unwanted insects and are beneficial to our ecosystem.

With the increased risk of West Nile Virus in Southwestern Ontario, mosquito control is on the minds of everyone. What better way to control these pesky insects than a chemical free natural approach? If see a Dragonfly on your property, consider yourself lucky. It is likely there because it has found a source of food and is probably ridding your yard of unwanted insects. Admire it’s beauty and leave it be. Appreciate the fact that Dragonflies are not only saving your garden plants from destruction caused by other insects, but you from mosquito bites as well.

Good birding,

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Milkweed Attracts More Than Just Monarch Butterflies

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Monarch Butterfly on a Milkweed leaf.

If you still haven’t added Milkweed to your garden to help save the Monarch Butterfly, what are you waiting for? Not only is Milkweed essential to the monarch’s survival, it also looks and smells great in any garden. When in bloom, the fragrance from a patch of Milkweed can be taken in from quite a distance. With it’s height, Milkweed is the perfect plant to add to the back row of a garden, or use to conceal unsightly objects, such as gas meters or telephone boxes on front lawns.

A native species to Ontario, Milkweed is perfect for attracting not only Monarch Butterflies but other insects as well. Several species of butterfly readily feed on the nectar from it’s beautiful flowers and other pollinators like bees can be seen gathering pollen throughout it’s bloom. Aphids, gnats, and spiders can also all be found on Milkweed. Dragon and damselflies will quickly be attracted to Milkweed patches to feed on these smaller insects.

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This Great Spangled Fritillary feeds on the nectar of a Milkweed flower.
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Several species of butterfly, like this Red Admiral, are drawn to the nectar of the Milkweed flower.

As the quantity and variety of insects increases in a Milkweed patch, so too will the number of bird species. Insects are a food source to almost all birds and they will soon find quite the smorgasbord within the Milkweed. Some of the bird species I observed this past week feeding on insects in various Milkweed patches include: Yellow Warblers, Warbling Vireos, Cedar Waxwings, Eastern Phoebes, and Eastern Kingbirds.

As you can see, adding a section of Milkweed will not only help the future of the Monarch Butterfly, but will create a diverse habitat for other organisms and thus increase the amount of wildlife in your yard. Definitely a win-win situation for both the monarch and nature lovers too.

Good birding,