Greater White-fronted Goose
The highlight of this past week was seeing this Common Loon in the Thames River at Greenway Park.
Male Harlequin Duck in flight.
White-winged Scoter
Wood Duck
Hooded Mergansers taking flight.
Horned Grebe
Common Goldeneye
With so many species calling our region home during the summer months, birding can hardly be described a s low.
Wood Duck male
Canvasback female
American Wigeon
Red-necked Grebe
Harlequin Duck
Greater Scaup male
Redhead male and female
Red-throated Loon
Common Goldeneye female
Long-tailed Duck male
Hooded Merganser female
Bufflehead male
American Black Duck
Common Goldeneye male
Red-breasted Merganser
Bufflehead male
Hooded Merganser male
Common Goldeneye
Red-necked Grebe
Red-throated Loon
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