Roost boxes are an excellent addition to any bird lovers yard. They are similar to a birdhouse, but serve a different purpose altogether. Instead of building a nest inside them and raising their young, birds use a roost box to provide them with shelter and warmth during winter. I’ve watched Chickadees enter mine during freezing rain, and heavy snowfalls. Birds will also roost in them at night. When you look at a roost box you will notice the entrance hole is at the bottom, this is to prevent the warm air that rises inside them from escaping. They also have fewer ventilation holes to conserve heat. The inside of a roost box will generally have rows of perches to accommodate more birds, and they are usually made from rough sawn wood so birds can cling to the inside walls easier. Depending on the species and the size of the box multiple birds will use it to share body heat. Some species of birds that will use a roost box are; Downy Woodpecker, Chickadees, Titmice, Nuthatches, and Wrens.
Roost boxes should be mounted in a protected area out of prevailing winds. Some afternoon sunshine will help warm up the box so it retains more heat. Facing the box to the south will also help the box gather heat. I have my roost boxes mounted among my cedars for optimal cover. Most roost boxes have hinged sides to allow for easy cleaning. They should be checked and cleaned regularly. Droppings can accumulate quickly if several birds use it.
I made my roost boxes in my workshop with these free plans I found on the internet. The fronts are removable, so they can be reversed and used as birdhouses come spring. They are quick, easy, and inexpensive to make. It is also a fun project to do on a rainy weekend, and you don’t have to be real handy to make one. If you don’t have any tools, are not real handy, or just value all ten of your fingers, they can be purchased at any local birding shop.
Cold weather is on the way, so think about adding a few roost boxes to your yard to provide the birds with shelter. Getting them up now will ensure the birds know where to find them when they really need them.
Good Birding,
Great idea Paul. Do you know of any good sites that show how to construct one?
Thank you Emma. There all different sizes and styles, but I have included the link for the plans I used. I have had success with this one for many years, both as a winter roost box and nest box. For perches in the winter/fall, I just wedge three twigs across the inside of the box spaced evenly from the hole to the top. In spring, remove the screws holding the front on, reverse and you now have a nest box. I used cedar fence board purchased at my local building supply store. http://www.birdwatching-bliss.com/support-files/winter-bird-house-plans.pdf
Paul, I have two roosting boxes for harsh winters. How do I get the little birds to go in it? Any any tips? I have tons of small birds and they go in the arborvitaes (trees) that aren’t that great for shelter, but none are using the nice houses I put out there (bought on Amazon with perches)..
Hi Jane, I was unaware that the birds were using my roosting boxes until the following spring when I cleaned them out and found feathers and droppings. Since then I have seen them go in but I assume many go in at night too. I have mine positioned where they get the sun to heat up during the day but also sheltered in a cedar hedge.