With November upon us, many people have started thinking about Christmas shopping. Bird and birding related products are great gift ideas for just about anybody regardless of age or gender. If you get stuck for ideas here are some that will be perfect for those tough to buy for people on your list.
Bird feeders can be a gift that appeals to anyone. Children will be amazed at the various sizes, shapes and colours of birds that will show up to a backyard feeder. It will get them interested in nature and encourage them to get outdoors. By feeding the birds it will teach them the responsibility of caring for something and can be similar to owning a pet without actually bringing an animal into your home. This can be perfect for children that want a pet but have other family members with allergies. If someone on your list is elderly or unable to get out and enjoy the outdoors due to health reasons or physical disabilities than a feeder positioned close to a window is the perfect way to bring nature to them. Watching birds at the feeder as well as squirrels and chipmunks below it will surely put a smile on their face. Maybe that person on your list already owns a feeder and enjoys feeding the birds, then consider giving them a bird or seed specific feeder. This could be a Hummingbird or Oriole feeder or maybe something for offering peanuts to Woodpeckers and Bluejays. There are so many feeder possibilities I guarantee you that that even the most fanatic birder doesn’t have everything. Ask at your local birding store for new or unique ideas.
If there is an avid gardener on your list than perhaps a birdbath or small water feature would be perfect. Bird houses or roost boxes can be great additions to any garden and some of the modern designs can add quite a bit of character. A bird bath heater would be another option to accessorize someone’s existing bird bath and provide them with enjoyment from it year round.
I am a huge believer in getting children interested in the outdoors. Too many kids spend countless hours in front of the television, playing video games, or texting with friends. If there is a youngster on your list consider buying them a bird book or an inexpensive pair of binoculars. These gift ideas will encourage them to get outside and be more active. Hiking with a pair of binoculars and a bird book searching for birds and wildlife can be very exciting for kids. If a child you know already enjoys birding and the outdoors than an inexpensive digital camera can provide hours of outdoor fun trying to capture these animals in their natural surroundings.
Any of these gift ideas can be purchased without breaking the bank. The thought behind them will be greatly appreciated by the recipient, far more than the price tag ever would. Unique gift ideas like these will be enjoyed for years down the road and the one who received them will always remember who it came from.
Good birding,