This past week didn’t see me getting out much, but during my walks along the Thames River I encountered several species of birds. Nothing out of the ordinary but many nice views nonetheless. The two most abundant species were American Robins and Cedar Waxwings. Both could be seen in large flocks feeding on the berries of the various trees and shrubs that line the river banks. Small groups of Buffleheads and Common Mergansers were seen diving on the river in search of food. I found American Tree Sparrows in the many goldenrod fields adjacent to wooded areas along the pathways.
Birds of prey were spotted in small numbers but included Bald Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks and an American Kestrel. I have an adult and immature Cooper’s Hawk that check out my feeders quite regularly and a Merlin briefly passed by overhead while I was filling them.
My backyard feeders have been very busy all week especially earlier when we had cooler temperatures and snow. Mourning Doves, Dark-eyed Juncos and Black-capped Chickadees appeared in the largest numbers. Blue Jays, Red and White-breasted Nuthatches and three species of Woodpecker were frequent visitors too.
Here’s hoping that the upcoming week will present some new species.
Good birding,