After receiving several email requests about photography workshops, I am now offering private one on one, or group, in the field workshops to help improve your photography skills, techniques, and ultimately your final images. Wildlife photography is incredibly fun, challenging and frustrating all at the same time. Properly understanding camera functions and settings, and how each pertains to the shot you are trying to capture, will help remove much of the frustration. Being able to make quick, simple adjustments while shooting will have you seeing a substantial improvement in your final images.

You do not need to own a professional DSLR or lens that costs as much as a compact car to achieve quality images. One of the misconceptions I hear most when it comes to photography is, “If I had that camera and lens I could take pictures like that too”. This could not be further from the truth. You could run out and spend the equivalent of the down payment on your home for a camera and lens, but if you do not know how to operate them, your end result still won’t be what you are hoping for. During my photography workshops I will show you that image quality has more to do with with the person behind the camera than the price tag on your equipment; you will leave the workshop with the understanding of how to get the most out of your equipment, resulting in better final images.

My one on one photography workshops are designed for you to get the most out of your specific camera and lens setup. I will show you how to get quality results regardless of what equipment you own by simply understanding camera functions and how to adjust them to your subject, shooting style, and conditions on a given day. It does not matter if you shoot Canon, Nikon or another brand, I can help you increase the number of keeper shots you take.

As a self taught photographer, I have spent countless hours watching, reading and studying tutorials on wildlife and landscape photography and put in the trial and error that goes with them. Many of the tutorials out there are great, but they did not always relate to my shooting style or deal with the constantly changing conditions we face as photographers. These tutorials often left me with more questions than answers, and unfortunately there was no available support to answer my questions.
By spending time with me in the field, I will answer any questions or help clarify areas of confusion as you shoot, so at the end of the day you are left with no questions, just the knowledge needed to improve your photography. If you happen to forget or need a refresher on one of the areas covered at a later date, I am available for follow up support via email.

So who will benefit from my photography workshops? If you currently achieve better results from your cell phone than your DSLR, I can help. If you are new to digital photography or still shooting in automatic mode, I can help. We will start with the basics, metering and exposure and work up from there. I will show you that leaving shutter speed, aperture, or ISO decisions about the image you are trying to create up to your camera, will not result in the best final image. You need to take control of your camera functions for the specific subject you wish to capture and the conditions you are faced with at that time. This may seem overwhelming, but I will show you this is easily mastered and imperative to better images. If you are more advanced, but still struggle with certain aspects like birds in flight, or difficult lighting situations, I can help here too. Looking to move into full manual mode so you can quickly change from photographing static birds, to birds in flight without lowering the camera from your eye? My workshops will assist here too.

My in the field photography workshops begin at two hours in length. I am confident that in that time frame I will be able to show you how to improve your final images regardless of your skill level. If you wish, I am available for longer sessions, such as half or full days. If you have a group and a venue, and would prefer an in class session or a combined in class and outdoor shooting workshop, this can be arranged. Workshops can be scheduled on weekends, weekdays, or evenings as daylight hours increase.

Mid April is when we will start to see the return of migratory birds as spring migration gets under way. Ospreys, swallows, orioles, and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks are some of the first birds observed in our area. By early May, migration will be in full swing. Warblers, thrushes and other songbirds will be returning to, or moving through the area. Will you be ready to capture all of these beautiful birds with image results you are satisfied with? If not, you have roughly eight weeks to learn and hone the skills needed to do so. My goal is to help you improve the quality of your final images regardless of your current skill level or camera you own. For more information including: price, locations, and how to schedule a workshop, visit my Photography Workshops page.
Good birding,