Earlier this year I launched a video blog (also known as a vlog) on YouTube. I thought this would be a nice compliment to my written blog published here on my website. Photography remains my main focus but being able to share the behaviour of birds and wildlife through video is something that interests me. Video also allows me to share the wonderful sounds of nature from my adventures, something not achievable through photos.

Video is new to me and like photography, there are always different camera settings to try and lots of trial and error with error often winning. I’ve been experimenting with a few different cameras and have quickly learned that video is more challenging than still photography. Birds often only pause briefly which with the correct camera settings can result in an image I am happy with. On the other hand, a one-second video clip of a bird before it takes off isn’t very riveting.

Over the past week, I took advantage of the beautiful weather to search for spring migrants and practice shooting video. I was able to capture several short clips of various species including Yellow-rumped Warblers and Ruby-crowned Kinglets. I put these clips together into two videos which I have uploaded to YouTube. The links to those videos are posted below.
If you enjoy my videos, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and click the bell for notifications of future videos.

I enjoy sharing my adventures with subscribers and showcasing the amazing birds and wildlife we have close to home and around Southwestern Ontario. My blog allows me to tell the story of my time spent outdoors and I hope my vlog will do the same while providing even more of a visual aspect and the element of sound.

Due to the pandemic, I am currently off work and using this time to improve and grow my photography. If you know someone you think might enjoy my blog, I would appreciate you sharing it with them. Physical distancing is something I take very seriously and I have a few areas where I can get out and enjoy nature while avoiding contact with others. I very much enjoy the interaction I have with all of you through my blog and social media and appreciate everyone who takes the time to read, watch, and comment on my posts. I look forward to sharing more with you during the coming weeks as migration reaches full height.

Providing content you enjoy is important to me and I would appreciate your feedback on what you would like to see. Are you a birder who enjoys keeping tabs on my recent sightings? Do you enjoy photography and want tips on how to improve your images? Maybe you want to know more about the gear I use. Perhaps you simply enjoy looking at the images within the blog itself. Have you watched my videos on YouTube or do you prefer my written blog and photos? I would love to hear from you so I can continue to create posts that appeal to you. Let me know what you like and want to see more of. If you have suggestions or ideas for future blog posts or videos, please let me know. I have already received some great ideas from subscribers and look forward to working on them. If you can offer constructive criticism on what you dislike or what I can improve on, I would appreciate that too. Feedback can be provided in the comments below, or if you wish to remain anonymous please contact me privately.

I would like to thank all of you for subscribing to my blog and following along on my adventures. When I launched my website several years ago I never expected such an incredible response to my photography or my writing. I have been fortunate to meet many of you in person along the way and talk birds in the field while enjoying amazing interactions online with others and for that, I will always be grateful.
Good birding,
Excellent video Paul. Amazing seeing the bushland come to life. Any recommendations on birding binoculars? Thanks
Check out Pelee Wings Store. They have a huge selection of binoculars designed specifically for birding. Although the store is closed they have a good website and online shopping and shipping is available. They are located just outside the boundaries of Pelee National Park. I purchased a Nikon 8X40 Monarch 5 from them just over a year ago and I just love them. It was easy and with great service. These people know the products they sell! Great blog Paul!! Mario
Thank you very much Mario for the great advice on binoculars! I am glad you like the blog.
Thank you very much Gerry I am glad you like the videos. Mario has some great advice in his reply. Pelee Wings has the best selection in Canada and really knowledgeable staff. I use a pair of Bushnell 8×42 and love them. I have also used the Nikon Travelite and they are awesome too and a super compact lightweight binocular. Personally I would get an 8 power as anything higher power becomes very hard to hold steady and any shake is really magnified. I get a better view of the birds from an 8 power I can hold steady over of a pair of 10 power that are shaky. I recommend a pair that is waterproof as this will protect them in the event of a downpour and a waterproof pair is not that much more money. Binoculars really range in price but you don’t need to spend a small fortune to get a great pair.
I know personally I am loving both your blogs and vlogs, I’m so pleased I stumbled across them.
One suggestion I would have would be that in your vlog, if you are able, to put the name of the bird you are looking at every time. I know a lot of people will know them all but there are a few of us that don’t know what we are looking at all the time. Only minor though.
Keep up the awesome work and thank you for being so interactive with everyone.
Happy birding.
I am really glad you stumbled across them too Jon and are loving them both! I appreciate your suggestion and am happy you mentioned it. That is something I have been contemplating and wasn’t sure whether to do or not. I shouldn’t assume everyone will know what every species is and there is definitely no harm in mentioning what it is so everyone who watches can learn. I will do this in the future for sure. Thank you, I appreciate your input!
You’re welcome Paul. I look forward to more of your adventures. Just wish I could get out a bit more myself but with 4 kids under 6, homeschooling one and a wide working from home, life’s a bit busy for that at the moment so back yard birds will have to do for now. My kids all love watching the birds from the window too which is nice.
Would you also be able to do a video of your gear. Like a gear run down. Camera, lens, binoculars etc. I’d also love to see your back yard feeder set up if your up for sharing it.
Keep it coming!
Sounds like a busy house there Jon. Those are great ideas for future videos and I will look at doing those in the future. Thank you!
Just one other thing I thought of and it’s more to do with this website. It may or may not be possible but..
Is there a way to list all your blog title in the menu so we don’t have to scroll through pages and pages of blogs to get to the particular one we want to read? This may be available already but if it is I can’t seem to find it! If not no problem, just might make navigating the site a little easier.
Great idea Jon! I bet there is a way and I will look into doing this. I agree it would definitely make my site easier to navigate. Thanks for these great suggestions I do appreciate them!
Update: I changed it to list format and included all of my blog posts: https://paulroeddingphotography.com/good-birding-blog/
Hi Paul, I have a question on lenses. I recently bought a new Nikon D3500 camera and have looked into a 70-300mm lens for it. I’m wondering why the price discrepancy. Some advertise at about $200 and others closer to $500. Maple Leaf Photography has the cheaper one at $189, and I’m wondering if you’ve heard of them? Are they reputable? Living at Rondeau offers some great opportunities and since I’m retired and quarantined I want to make the most of it. Thanks.
Hi Ted, It looks like the one you mentioned for $189 from Maple Leaf Photography does not have VR or vibration reduction. This is the equivalent of Canon’s image stabilization which I love as it compensates for camera shake making hand held shooting easier. The VR feature will add to the price. Nikon has two lens lines DX and FX. DX is designed for crop sensor cameras which your D3500 is. The FX is designed for full frame cameras. It is my understanding that FX lenses are compatible with all Nikon cameras whereas the DX lenses can have compatibility issues with full frame cameras if you were to ever change cameras. The other big difference is the DX lenses have a plastic lens mount and the FX has a metal mount. I have several inexpensive canon lenses with plastic mounts and have had no issues with them. Likely the higher priced lens you mentioned is an FX model with VR making it significantly more than the DX without VR at $189. I have never heard of Maple Leaf Photography so cannot comment on whether or not they are reputable. Let me know if you have any questions regarding the lenses as I know all the letters and models is confusing.
Thanks for the info Paul, I’ll take this into consideration. Great site.
My pleasure Ted anytime! Thanks for your kind words regarding my website.
Brilliant Paul, thank you! I never knew you had so many blogs. I look forward to easily being able to go to the one I want to read! 😆
Thanks again Jon for the suggestion. I like the look and agree it makes searching older blogs much easier.
I love the technical info and your little blurbs about each species is perfect… just the right length and info. Keep it up! The videos take a little more effort to get to, but I did enjoy watching them. I always wonder how you get so many good shots, especially when you often have your dog with you? I think you are a magnet for birds!
Thank you very much for the feedback Mary-Lou I really appreciate it! I’m glad you enjoy the videos. My dog is very well behaved and we move slowly and quietly so we do not startle the birds. I put tape or an elastic around her tags so they do not jingle as I have found this sound spooks the birds more than the dog herself. I actually see more birds when I bird with my dog than I do other people because she is always quiet and doesn’t make sudden movements. I would say about 90 to 95% of the images I post are taken while birding with her.