For as long as I can remember I’ve enjoyed building birdhouses. It’s hard to put into words the satisfaction I get from watching birds raise a brood in a house I built with my own hands. Over the years I’ve built many birdhouses in all shapes and sizes providing a place for a variety of species to nest.

Like birding, my dad introduced me to woodworking and I built my first birdhouse with him. In fact, my introduction to woodworking with him started when I was just two years old when I climbed a ladder all by myself onto the shed roof my dad was building at our new house. If not for my grandma yelling “Paul is on the roof with Russ” alerting my parents of my ascent who knows what would have happened. I would love to be able to remember the look on my dad’s face when he turned around and saw me sitting behind him. With supervision like this, it’s a wonder I saw three (I’m kidding Dad you know I love you).

Following plans I’ve found in books or online to build birdhouses, I’ve had great success throughout my life providing nesting sites for birds. Swallows, wrens, robins, and doves are a few of the species that have nested in houses or platforms I’ve made. Recently I made a bunch of birdhouses and sold them through Facebook. The response I received was tremendous and people from all over reached out inquiring about the houses. Even followers from out of town were interested. I was happy to ship houses to them but the cost to do so was pretty steep. I wanted to offer houses for sale and be able to ship them without having to charge an arm and a leg to cover the cost of postage. As a result, I am now building and selling hummingbird nest platforms.

Hummingbirds are an exciting bird to watch at backyard feeders, so why not go the extra mile by providing a place for them to nest? Hummingbirds seek out sheltered locations to nest protected from wind, rain, and sun. My pine platforms can be mounted under the eaves of a house, shed, gazebo, or under a covered porch. The platform has a recessed bottom with two supports on either side allowing the hummingbird to anchor the nest in place. Once a hummingbird has found the perfect place for nest building, she returns to the same location year after year. Hummingbirds have 1-2 broods per year with a nesting period of 18-22 days. Adding a platform in a visible location will serve hours of enjoyment all summer long.

If you want to offer a place for hummingbirds to nest, are looking for a birdhouse you may not already have or are looking for a unique gift idea for a bird lover, these hummingbird nestings platforms are a great idea. Measuring 6.5″ H x 4.5″ W x 4.5″ D I can ship these platforms for a reasonable price. With Mother’s Day and Father’s Day fast approaching let your fingers do the shopping. I’m selling these platforms for $35 each which includes shipping anywhere in Canada or the United States.

To purchase, simply click the add to cart button at the bottom of the page and checkout securely with PayPay. If you prefer to pay via e-transfer contact me for more details. I’m also offering porch pick up in London, Ontario at a discounted price less the shipping. Again contact me for details on porch pick up.

Hummingbirds will be returning very soon and providing food in the form of a hummingbird feeder is a great way to attract them to your yard. Why not add a safe, sheltered place for them to nest with a hummingbird nest platform?
Good birding,