Tag: Nature
Dragonflies Play An Important Role In Our Ecosytem

So many insects these days seem to be frowned upon. They are quickly swatted or sprayed in an effort to rid them from our homes and gardens because they bite, sting, eat our flowers and vegetables, or to many just simply appear gross.
One group of insects that play an important role in controlling the population unwanted insects are Dragonflies. These fast flying insects are incredibly maneuverable and do an excellent job of naturally controlling the numbers of many unwanted insects, including mosquitoes. Dragonflies are voracious eaters and can consume their own body weight in as little as thirty minutes. This translates to hundreds of mosquitoes a day. The diet of a Dragonfly is not limited to mosquitoes, as they eat other insects including flies and ants.

With the increased risk of West Nile Virus in Southwestern Ontario, mosquito control is on the minds of everyone. What better way to control these pesky insects than a chemical free natural approach? If see a Dragonfly on your property, consider yourself lucky. It is likely there because it has found a source of food and is probably ridding your yard of unwanted insects. Admire it’s beauty and leave it be. Appreciate the fact that Dragonflies are not only saving your garden plants from destruction caused by other insects, but you from mosquito bites as well.
Good birding,
Greenway Park Showing Signs Of Hope For The Monarch Butterfly

By now most are aware of the decline in Monarch Butterfly numbers and that Milkweed is necessary for their survival. So far in 2014, governments, environmental groups, and citizens have all been taking measures to ensure the survival of this beautiful butterfly. For the most part, this has been in the form of planting various types of milkweed and protecting existing patches.
On my many outings throughout the city this year I have been paying close attention to milkweed patches, checking for any signs of monarchs. Early June produced a single monarch fluttering over a meadow containing various wildflowers, milkweed included, in the west end of Greenway Park. I was optimistic for future sightings and hoped that this area would potentially be a breeding ground for the monarchs.

As weeks went by, I continually checked this area hoping to see more monarchs or evidence that they had been reproducing. Several insects, including bees and other butterfly species could be seen feeding on nectar and gathering pollen from the milkweed and various wildflowers, but unfortunately no more monarchs were seen, nor were any eggs or caterpillars. My optimism faded, but I continued to observe the area whenever I found myself walking there.
My faded optimism quickly turned into excitement this past week when another monarch sighting took place. I was photographing some of the various birds and wildlife in the area, which on this day included: Yellow Warblers, Red-winged Blackbirds, an Eastern Kingbird, and White-tailed Deer, when I caught a hint of back and orange flutter past. To my delight it was a Monarch Butterfly. I watched as it flew back and forth over the meadow eventually settling on a Milkweed flower. I quickly snapped several photos then watched as it flew off over the field. Satisfied with my sighting and photos my attention returned to the deer and bird species.
As I watched a doe grazing on the variety of plants, once again a monarch passed by. As I carried on a little further, another Milkweed plant revealed a Monarch Butterfly feeding on it’s nectar. Curious as to whether it was the same butterfly covering a lot of ground or multiple Monarch Butterflies in the area, I scanned the tops of the flowers. I quickly observed several Monarch Butterflies fluttering low over the meadow and clinging to the Milkweed and various wildflowers within it.

Having only seen one Monarch Butterfly in all of 2013, and not within the city, this was a welcome sighting. Whether or not it is a sign of their numbers rebounding, or just one small group in a dwindling population, only time will tell. Hopefully another generation of monarchs will get their start here in one of London’s beautiful parks. To access Greenway Park, turn onto Greenside Avenue from Springbank Drive and follow the road into the park. Be sure to make the quick right hand turn before the pollution control center. I recommend parking in the large lot directly across from the off leash dog area. From there the large patch of Milkweed is on the far side of the soccer pitch. Remember to keep a close eye and ear for all the great wildlife that call Greenway Park home.
Good birding,
Unique Reptiles Found in London, Ontario

While they may not garner the same hype as the Caiman discovered in Toronto’s High Park this week, there is an indigenous reptile found within London, Ontario that is worth searching for. With their long snorkel-like noses and soft leathery shells, the Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle is a unique looking creature. These turtles are classed as threatened under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act and the Species at Risk Act, but thanks in large part to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, their numbers are increasing.
Habitat loss is one of the biggest threats to Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle’s as well as other native turtles. This can be caused by shoreline development, stabilization and changes in water levels. Lower water levels resulting from the Springbank Dam not being in operation has improved their habitat.

If seeing one of these turtles is on your bucket list, they can be viewed from the banks of the Thames River throughout the city. By scanning the the river, paying attention to exposed rocks and logs will reveal these turtles basking in the summer sun. Softshell turtles in the Thames River range in size from only a few centimeters to much larger specimens exceeding 40 centimeters.

Turtles are less visible during high water times because many of the rocks and logs they bask on become submerged. For this reason, success will be much greater if you avoid searching for softshells after heavy rains.
Remember that these turtles are protected and cannot be harmed or harassed in any way. Stay on the trails adjacent to the river as these and other turtles nest on the sandy banks of the river, and walking on them can damage the nests. Poachers often raid the eggs from nests for either the pet or food trade. It is illegal to buy, sell, or possess protected species and any illegal activity regarding these or other plant or animal species should be reported to the Ministry of Natural Resources at 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667).
Good birding,
Warblers Will Be The Highlight Of The 2014 Festival Of Birds

Point Pelee National Park, located on the north shore of Lake Erie in southwestern Ontario, is about to come alive with birds and birders. Every May the park hosts the Festival of Birds, which attracts tens of thousands of visitors wanting to view some of the thousands of birds that migrate through the area. This year’s 2014 festival runs May 1st through May 19th.

Point Pelee is the southernmost tip of mainland Canada and sits at the crossroads of two major flyways. This combined with it’s mixed Carolinian habitat makes it the perfect stopover location for migrating birds that have just crossed Lake Erie. More than 380 bird species have been recorded in the park with over 100 of them breeding within its boundaries. In fact, 80% of all the birds recorded in Ontario have been seen at least once within Point Pelee’s birding area.

The many shorebird species found feeding along the sandy spit are a popular draw, but the main attraction for most birders is the warbler species. Of the regularly occurring warblers in North America 42 of the 55 species have been observed in Point Pelee National Park, giving it the distinction of “The Warbler Capital of Canada”. On average 36 warbler species are seen each spring in the park. Prothonatary Warblers, an endangered species in Ontario, are a favourite among many birders.

It is not just birds that Point Pelee National Park is famous for. The park is home to over 750 native plants, some of which are rare, threatened or endangered in Canada. Plants of concern include, but are not limited to: American Water Willow, Common Hoptree and Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus. There are also several rare forms of animal life including: Fox Snake, Spotted Turtle, Five-Lined Skink, and the recently reintroduced Southern Flying Squirrel.

The American Birding Association has published daily updates on the birding news section of their website in previous years during the festival. This is a great place to keep on top of recent sightings, as well as where within the park they were seen. The link to the site can be found here.

The Point Pelee National Park Festival of Birds is something that is on every serious birders’ bucket list and attracts visitors from all over the world. For more information on the festival including daily activities, fees, directions, and hours visit their website here. If you are planning a visit to the park for the festival be sure to read the code of ethics section, as this is something that is taken quite seriously and any infraction can result in your removal from the park.
If you happen to make it to this year’s Festival of Birds, please let me know of your sightings either in the comment section below this post or by using my contact form. I am always interested in hearing from fellow birders!
Good birding,
One For The Yard List: The Eastern Towhee

Tuesday’s much cooler temperatures and high winds were not ideal conditions for spring birding. This didn’t stop a new spring migrant and first time yard species from showing up at my feeder. Looking out the back window over my backyard I noticed a female Eastern Towhee on the ground foraging amongst the leaves under a row of Cedar trees. The bird then hopped along the grass and ended up underneath one of my feeders where it found some millet on the ground that had been scattered by Mourning Doves. I have never had one of these birds in the yard before and in fact had not seen one since I was a boy, so it was a pleasant surprise. I watched the bird feed for several minutes and when frightened it would retreat to the cover of the thick cedars and dense shrubs across the back of my yard. I looked out periodically throughout the afternoon and could see it either feeding beneath the feeder or foraging under the cedars.
The Eastern Towhee is typically found along forest edges, woodlands, and thickets where there is plenty of dense cover and leaf matter on the ground for them to forage in. Their diet consists of insects, seeds and fruit; which they scratch up from within the leaves using their feet. The back of my yard where this bird was first spotted matches this habitat perfectly. Towhees build a nest on the ground amongst the fallen leaves, with the female doing all of the construction.
It is likely that this bird will move on in search of a less busy area to build a nest, but was a nice surprise and one to cross off my yard list. If you tend to only feed the birds throughout the winter months, I recommend keeping your feeders full at least through spring migration. This Eastern Towhee is a perfect example of a bird that you may not otherwise see, but could visit your backyard feeder looking to replenish energy after a long flight.
Good birding,
Northern Cardinals
Good Birding Report: London, ON April 13-19 2014

This past week saw more consistency to the daytime highs and consequently more migrating bird species arriving in our area. Several first of year species were seen and with the weather looking to remain stable for the upcoming week, more will follow.
I finally saw my first Yellow-rumped Warblers of the year this past week after mentioning them as early returnees in previous posts. The number of sparrow species that have returned continues to grow with Field Sparrows now being added to the list. Chipping Sparrows have been regular morning visitors to my feeders this past week and White-throated Sparrows are more abundant. Northern Rough-winged Swallows can now be seen, along with increased numbers of Tree Swallows flying overhead in search of insects in areas close to water.
Many of the local ponds in the area are turning up several waterfowl species. Saunders Pond located in the Westminster Ponds ESA is a perfect example of this. Wood Ducks, Horned Grebes, American Coots, Common Mergansers, and Pied-billed Grebes were all present. A Great Egret was also observed on the north side of the pond, visible from the lookout behind Tourist Information on Wellington Road. In fact, the entire Westminster Ponds ESA provided great looks at many birds. The forest floor was alive with activity, with Hermit Thrushes and Brown Thrashers sifting though the leaf matter in search of insects. Eastern Meadowlarks could be seen and heard in the open field areas within the ESA. Five woodpecker species, the highlight being a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers, were also found deep in the forests. A rather early Blue-headed Vireo was seen on the edge of the forest capturing insects. Vireos typically arrive later in April or early May, so this was a nice surprise.

A complete list of birds observed this week is as follows:

American Coot
American Crow
American Goldfinch
American Robin
American Wigeon
Bald Eagle
Black-capped Chickadee
Blue-headed Vireo
Blue Jay
Brown Headed Cowbird
Brown Thrasher
Canada Goose
Carolina Wren
Chipping Sparrow
Common Grackle
Common Merganser
Dark-eyed Junco
Double-crested Cormorant
Downy Woodpecker
Eastern Meadowlark
Eastern Phoebe
European Starling
Field Sparrow
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Great Egret
Hairy Woodpecker
Hermit Thrush
Horned Grebe
House Finch
House Sparrow
Mourning Dove

Northern Cardinal
Northern Flicker
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Pied-billed Grebe
Pileated Woodpecker
Song Sparrow
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-winged Blackbird
Ring-billed Gull
Tree Swallow
Turkey Vulture
White-breasted Nuthatch
White-throated Sparrow
Wood Duck
Yellow-rumped Warbler

It wasn’t just bird activity that increased this past week. Reptiles, amphibians, and butterflies were all more prevalent. The calls of Spring Peepers and Chorus Frogs echoed from within flooded wooded areas. Painted Turtles could be seen basking on logs in the warm sun, and several butterfly species including Mourning Cloaks and Milbert’s Tortoiseshells emerged.
Spring Migration is really starting to pick up now that spring-like weather is finally here. The numbers of species previously reported will increase and new arrivals will be appearing over the next couple of weeks. If you get the chance over this period, head out to your local park, ESA, or Conservation Area and see what incredible nature we have right here in our own backyard.
Good birding,
Despite The Weather Spring Migration Is Right On Schedule

Don’t let the return of snow and seemingly slow start to spring dampen your spirits when it comes to bird migration. Many species have returned to our area and many more will soon follow. One of the things I enjoy most about photographing so many birds each year is cataloguing them by both species and date. I am able to look back to this date in previous years and compare what birds have been present from year to year.
According to my records things are not as slow as they may seem. Many of the previously reported birds such as Red-winged Blackbirds, Common Grackles and Osprey have returned right on schedule with previous years. The forecast for the end of the week is calling for warmer temperatures and south winds. Anyone who reads my blog regularly knows this is the perfect recipe for migration and has me pretty excited about what we may see. Looking back to my records for 2013 and 2012 here is what we can expect over the next couple of weeks.

The third week of April last year saw me photographing Yellow-Rumped Warblers, Spotted Sandpipers and Northern Rough-Winged Swallows that had just returned. Barn Swallows were also present. The first couple of days of May saw the return of Baltimore Orioles, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, and the Yellow Warbler. By the second week of May there was a rush of warblers moving through and more shorebirds including Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, and Solitary Sandpipers could be found in the city. If the weatherman is right and history repeats itself, this weekend and the start of next week could reveal new migrants. What better way to spend the Easter long weekend than birding and finding some first of year species?
This cold snowy day won’t interfere with the imminent return of many birds that are currently positioned just to our south. We are a few warm days and a south breeze away from new arrivals showing up in our area. Days like these are perfect days to clean binoculars, scopes, and camera lenses or brush up on your identification skills in preparation for the influx of migrating birds. I know it may not look like it by looking out the window but spring migration is moving along right on schedule.
Good birding,