Sanderling and Sunsets Along Beautiful Lake Huron

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Birding along the Great Lakes provides views of many species; this Sanderling was observed foraging amongst the rocks along the shores of Lake Huron.

The Great Lakes are excellent for birding anytime of year, but with fall migration underway now is the perfect time to hit the shores in search of birds. Two flyways, the Atlantic and Mississippi, cross over the Great Lakes with shorebirds, raptors, songbirds, gulls, and waterfowl all following these routes from as far north as the Arctic, all the way to the southern United States, Central and South America. Their shorelines act as natural highways for these birds, as they make their way south to their wintering grounds. Regardless of which Great Lake is nearest you, great birding opportunities await.

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Birds are not the only things that provide beauty along the Great Lakes; the sunsets are simply stunning.

I recently had a chance to spend some time in Bayfield Ontario, located on the east shore of Lake Huron. The mixed habitat provided a nice variety of birds. Along the lake itself was a typical Great Lake shoreline, consisting of a sand beach with mixed rocks and wood. Adjacent to the beach was a beautiful dune covered in American Beach Grass, new growth Poplars, and White Pines. Behind the dune was a wooded area made up of cedars and a wide variety of deciduous trees.

North winds prevailed during my visit which helped push the migrating birds down the shoreline through the area. Bonaparte’s Gulls, Double-crested Cormorants, and a group of six Blue-winged Teal were observed only a few feet from the beach, flying past in a southerly direction. A lone Sanderling walked down the beach foraging in the sand and stones. Monarch Butterflies were also taking advantage of the north wind; I counted twenty three in just a short period of time which is by far the most I’ve seen in recent years. Birds of prey passed overhead, with counts of Turkey Vultures being highest. A Merlin landed briefly in the top of a dead cedar tree before carrying on.  As the sun dropped low in the sky prior to setting, sixteen Common Nighthawks moved up and down the beach over the dunes feeding all the while.

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Bonaparte’s Gulls were among the species using the north winds to propel them along the shoreline.

The mixed forest was full of birds, both migrating and resident species. Listening to the various calls was quite enjoyable. Cedar Waxwings, with their high pitched whistling calls seemed to be the most prevalent, while Blue Jays did their best to drown them out. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds moved along the forest edge feeding on the native Jewel Weed. Swainson’s Thrushes could be seen gorging in the tree tops, both on berries and insects. These same mixed forests provided me with views of two new species for my life list, a Philadelphia Vireo, and a Northern Waterthrush. The Philadelphia Vireo was seen overhead moving from tree to tree, ingesting insects along the way. The yellow underparts clearly distinguished it from other vireos. The Northern Waterthrush provided the best view of all birds as this one was observed after striking a cottage window. Concerned for its well being, I didn’t even think to photograph it. I approached it slowly and quietly. Its wings were tucked in and it was sitting upright, although breathing heavily. Once it gathered itself, the bird took flight and headed back into the forest, appearing no worse for wear.

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The sunsets over Lake Huron are truly breathtaking and making the short drive to take them in is well worth it.

As September progresses along and we move into October, migration and birding will get even better. Peak numbers are typically observed mid September, but anytime you can get out is the best time to go. Research conservation areas, parks, and other public areas on the shores of the Great Lakes and find one close to you. Pack your binoculars, field guide, water and a snack and give birding in one these areas a try. Migration along the Great Lakes will not disappoint.

Good birding,


An Incredible Day Releasing A Common Nighthawk With Swift Care Ontario

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Common Nighthawks are seldom observed during the day. They are most active at dusk and dawn, when they can be seen circling the skies feeding on insects.

Swift Care Ontario, located in Komoka, is a wildlife rehabilitation center that specializes in Species At Risk with Chimney Swifts, Bank Swallows, Barn Swallows, Common Nighthawks, and Eastern Whip-poor-wills being their main focus. Licensed by both the the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Canadian Wildlife Service, they are a nonprofit organization that rescue and rehabilitate these beautiful birds in an effort to preserve their declining numbers.

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Debbie from Swift Care Ontario displays the wing pattern of a Common Nighthawk.

Common Nighthawks feed almost exclusively on insects and are beginning their 5000km migration to South America, where they will spend the winter. These birds roost during the day on tree branches, fence posts or on the ground. Their incredible camouflage and motionless behaviour make daytime sightings nearly impossible. Your best chance to observe a Common Nighthawk is at dusk or dawn when they are most active, circling the skies feeding on flying insects.

I was recently contacted by Swift Care Ontario asking if I knew of any local areas that still had Common Nighthawks present. A young, fully grown Common Nighthawk they had raised this year was ready for release and they were looking for an optimal release site where other Common Nighthawks were present. I was happy to provide Swift Care Ontario with a location where I was still observing Common Nighthawks actively feeding at dusk as a potential release site.

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What an experience seeing a Common Nighthawk this close and witnessing its release. I am truly grateful Swift Care Ontario invited me to come along.

Words cannot even begin to describe my excitement when I was once again contacted by Swift Care Ontario and asked if I would accompany them on the release to show them the exact location. Having never seen one of these birds close up and to witness one of these incredible Species At Risk being released into the wild, I knew this was going to be an amazing experience. When I spoke with Debbie from Swift Care Ontario on the phone, she asked if I could meet her on Friday August 29 at 11am for the release. She would need to feed the Common Nighthawk every hour, beginning at 6am the morning of the release, in order for it to be properly nourished. She felt that a late morning release would provide enough feedings. I graciously accepted and still couldn’t believe that I had been invited to the release. I have to admit, I felt a little bit like a child again on Christmas Eve that Thursday evening, as my excitement kept me awake most of the night.

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The young female raised and released by Swift Care Ontario seemed quite content in her new surroundings.

The Common Nighthawk was transported to the selected release site in a special container which provided ventilation and the soft mesh material prevented any wing or feather damage in transit. A soft blanket was placed over the container to keep the bird calm. Debbie scouted the site and I answered her questions about the area. Her knowledge of birds is incredible and I could really sense her passion and genuine love for what she does. I pointed to the specific area I thought would make an ideal release location. As we walked closer, Debbie described the preferred habitat of the Common Nighthawk. Hearing this, I was feeling more and more confident of the location. Debbie wanted to place the bird on a fallen log with the intent of it sitting there for several hours while it got its bearings. She was confident that the young bird would hear the other Common Nighthawks calling at dusk as they emerged to feed, and join the group. I mentioned to her that there were some logs under a Willow tree just on the edge of the wooded area that was surrounded by mixed meadow, consisting of tall grasses, Goldenrod, and Milkweed. I was delighted to hear Debbie describe the location as “perfect”.

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As we walked away the incredible camouflage became more apparent. Even though I knew where the bird was, she was still hard to distinguish from the forest floor.

Debbie opened the container and gently picked up the Common Nighthawk. I  photographed this beautiful bird as it watched intently from her hands. The colour pattern and camouflage was simply amazing. It is no wonder these birds are seldom seen when roosting. The bird was then placed on one of the fallen logs where it sat quite content while looking around. I must say, I was expecting the bird to immediately fly up into the trees to roost, but it was comfortable down on the log surveying the area and Debbie informed me this was normal behaviour when releasing this species. After several minutes, the bird fluttered, briefly hovered, then set down on the forest floor next to the fallen logs amongst the various ground cover. It was here that the incredible camouflage was once again displayed. This is when we walked away, leaving the bird to begin it’s journey in the wild.

As I mentioned, Swift Care Ontario is a nonprofit organization. Carolyn and Debbie are the two primary caregivers and neither one takes home a paycheque. They simply do it for their love of birds. Many of the birds they rehabilitate require feeding every hour, 14-16 hours a day. The time, effort and dedication these women put into ensuring the future of these Species At Risk is phenomenal. Wildlife rehabilitation centers in Ontario do not receive funding from the government and operate solely on private donations. These birds require a special diet, and many of the injured and abandoned birds received are malnourished, so vitamin supplements and probiotics are given. With veterinary costs, travel, proper enclosures, and supplies, the operating costs incurred by Swift Care Ontario are quite large. If you love birds as much as I do and wish to continue observing these Species At Risk, please consider making a donation. No amount is too small, as it all adds up. To keep up to date with Swift Care Ontario’s latest patients and releases, like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, or visit their website. Donations can easily be made by clicking here.

Good birding,



Raptor Migration Getting Ready To Take Flight

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Bald Eagles and other raptors will soon be following the Lake Erie shoreline as they migrate.

As the days become shorter and summer slowly winds down, bird migration begins. Raptor migration is getting underway now and stretches right into December, with peak numbers being observed in mid September. One of the best places to view large quantities of migrating raptors is at Hawk Cliff in Port Stanley, Ontario. Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch begins September 1st and runs until November 30th. During this time, daily counts of each species of raptor are recorded. As part of Hawkwatch, there are two Hawk Cliff weekends in mid September with ground displays featuring live birds, information sessions, and hawk banding. For more on Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch,  including directions to the cliff, click here.

Mid September is the best time to go if you wish to see the most hawks. September 16, 2013 saw over forty six thousand hawks counted, while on September 15, 2012 over twenty thousand hawks were counted. I was there on that day in 2012, and let me tell you, it was a sight to see. The sky was filled with hawks, falcons and eagles, as far as the eye could see. Some, like the Sharp-shinned Hawks and Northern Harriers pass by low overhead, while buteos like Broad-winged Hawks can be seen circling high overhead in large flocks, also known as kettles. Large kettles of Broad-winged Hawks can be made up of thousands of birds. It is these large kettles that lead to daily counts being so high.

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If the thought of crowds at Hawk Cliff may deter you, raptors can be found throughout the area. This American Kestrel, along with many others, was located west of town resting on a hydro pole.

Hawk Cliff is located at the end of Hawk Cliff Road overlooking Lake Erie. Parking is permitted at the sides of the road and this area gets quite busy especially during peak migration times. Carpooling is a good idea as I have heard complaints in the past about parking and accessibility at these times. Don’t let the crowds keep you from experiencing this incredible event. Crowds are much lighter during week days, so keep this in mind. You do not need to be right at the cliff to observe the migrating hawks. Great views of the birds are had along many of the county roads to the east and west of Port Stanley or from within the town itself. In fact, many species like Cooper’s Hawks, Sharp-shinned Hawks, and Northern Harriers pass by inland of the cliff itself.

Songbirds and butterflies also migrate through this area as they too follow the north shore of Lake Erie. Warblers, swallows, and vireos are among the many bird species that are observed. Before their decline, hundreds of Monarch Butterflies could be seen migrating through.

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On cloudy or foggy days, raptor migration is slower. Birds like this Cooper’s Hawk will wait in the area for more favourable flight conditions.
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Osprey prefer to migrate during a southwest wind. The wind hitting the bank at Hawk Cliff creates lift for them

Weather plays an important role in raptor migration. Wind, cloud cover and rain all factor in. Birds follow the shoreline looking for a the shortest distance to cross over. This typically occurs at the western basin of Lake Erie. Many hawks use northwest winds to push them towards the shoreline of the lake. They then lower their altitude to avoid being pushed out over the lake, making for excellent views. Falcons, Eagles, and Osprey tend to prefer a southwest wind as they use the lift created by the wind hitting the cliff to push them along. Migration slows on rainy, foggy days as most birds wait for more navigable conditions. If planning a trip, pay close attention to the weather. Look for a northwest wind following a couple days of rain to produce the best flight.

For me, no trip to Port Stanley is complete without a visit to the sewage lagoons. Located on the cliff west of town, great views of raptors can be seen soaring over the open fields. Two large observation towers overlook four lagoons, a great place to observe migrating shorebirds. Yellowlegs, sandpipers, and Great Egrets can all be seen. Many waterfowl species also stop over to rest and feed on the lagoons.  As is the case near Hawk Cliff, Eastern Bluebirds are present in this area. Keeping an eye on the wire fences and power lines overhead often produces good views. To access the lagoons, turn west on Warren Street from Colborne Street (Highway 4). Go straight up the hill at the four way stop. Here it turns into Lake Line. From Lake Line turn right onto Scotch Line and follow the curve in the road. The first observation tower will be visible on your left.

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Lesser Yellowlegs foraging along the mud bank at the Port Stanley Sewage Lagoons.

If you are looking for a great place to do some late summer and fall birding, then check out the Port Stanley Lagoons and Hawk Cliff. Given the right weather conditions, you could be in for some of your highest day counts ever.

Good birding,


Great Experiences For Summer Birders

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With so many species present in our region during the summer months, birding can hardly be described as slow.

Many consider this time of year slow for birding, which I think is both untrue and unfair. With so many resident birds, and birds that breed in our area, there is always plenty to see. Just because we are not in a peak migration period doesn’t mean birding is slow, it just means the variety of birds isn’t as great. To call it slow, doesn’t promote year round birding in a positive way.

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Watching this Red-winged Blackbird fledgling flutter only a few feet at a time as it takes it first flight is only experienced during summer birding.

Summer birding has perks of it’s own. It is only during this time of year that certain behaviours can be seen. Interactions between adults and babies are always fun to observe. Watching the young fledglings calling with their mouths wide open for food is not something you will experience during spring or fall migration. First flights are always entertaining and sometimes humorous to watch. It is these first short excursions, that quite often only last a few seconds, that make summer birding so enjoyable.

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An inexperienced flyer, this juvenile Red-tailed Hawk passed by low overhead. Within a short period of time, this hawk will be soaring high above and such close encounters will be less likely.

Following the breeding season is one of the times when we see a plumage change in birds. As birds molt, their appearance drastically changes making it a great time of year to practice and perfect identification skills. This is especially true in waterfowl as males enter their eclipse plumage, which again is something not seen during migration.

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Plumage changes like this male Mallard showing eclipse plumage are observed during summer months.

Closer views of birds are also had during these summer months. As the season progresses, birds become more accustomed to human activity and are less wary. This is especially true with birds that migrate into our region to breed. Orioles, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, and warbler species are all much more skittish in early spring when they first arrive back in our area. Take the opportunity now to get a bird’s eye view of these species.

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Seeing this Gray Catbird call at close range makes sound and sight identification unmistakable.

Traffic from other birders is also less during the summer months. Many of my favourite birding hotspots are absent of other birders at this time of year. Less people moving about makes hearing the various songs and calls easier. With the closer views mentioned earlier, quite often birds can be seen singing or calling, making summer the perfect time to learn identification by sound.

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More runners than flyers, Killdeer chicks are always fun to observe.

Bird activity is always greatest during cooler periods of the day, making early morning and evening the better times to go. Dress appropriately, making sure to protect yourself from the sun and insects. Sunscreen, a hat, and insect repellant should all be worn during summer birding.

Get out there and make the most of summer birding. Take in the once a year experiences that are happening right now. I’m sure you will agree that summer birding is hardly slow.

Good birding,




Looking for Raptors? Start With The Red-Tailed Hawk

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The Red-tailed Hawk is one of North America’s most common and widespread hawks.

If seeing a large raptor is on your birding wish list, look to the sky for the Red-tailed Hawk. They are equally at home in an urban or rural environment and can be found throughout a wide variety of habitat including forest edges, farmland, city parks, and even backyards. These large raptors are frequently seen perched on fence posts, hydro poles, or in large trees, and are the bird of prey that is most frequently seen when traveling along any highway.

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The reddish orange highlights of an adult Red-tailed Hawk’s tail are visible from underneath when in flight.

For the most part, Red-tailed Hawks are easily identified. Large stocky bodies, rounded wings, and a short wide tail are key features that assist in positive identification. Adult birds have dark brown backs and are streaked brown and white underneath. As the name suggests, adult Red-tailed Hawks display a reddish-orange tail most visible from the topside. In flight, the reddish highlights of the tail are visible from the underside. Juveniles, as with many raptors, are a little tougher to identify. Their tails lack the reddish colour and are dark brown with narrow darker bars. Sometimes a view of the tail is not always available. If this is the case, juveniles are also distinguished from adult birds by their eye colour. A yellow iris indicates a young bird. As the birds mature, the iris becomes a reddish-brown.

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The brown tail with dark narrow bars combined with the yellow iris of its eye, identify this as a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk.

Small mammals including rabbits, squirrels, mice, and voles make up the majority of the Red-tailed Hawks diet, but they will also consume birds and reptiles. Their diet varies depending on range and season. In my travels, I have personally seen Red-tailed Hawks eating squirrels, rabbits, starlings, and frogs. Their varied diet and habitat are things that lead to their wide range and abundance.

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The loud screech of this juvenile Red-tailed Hawk quickly gave away it’s location.

The loud screeching call of this raptor is most often heard during courtship and when juveniles leave the nest. If you hear this call look up, as this large hawk is most likely overhead. On one of my recent walks through a city park, I came across a group of young hawks that had recently fledged. Their sharp calls quickly gave away their location and their short flights were a joy to watch and photograph.

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The red tail for which this hawk is named is most visible from the topside.

Keep an eye to the sky and treeline next time you are out for a walk or traveling down your local highway. Chances are you will see one of these beautiful raptors.

Good birding,

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Saving Ontario’s Species At Risk

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The Eastern Meadowlark is a grassland bird that nests on the ground. With increased land development and agriculture destroying their habitat, they are listed as a species at risk in Ontario.
Ontario is home to more than 30,000 species of plants and animals, but unfortunately more than 200 of them are at risk. Species at risk fall into four categories depending on severity, and without help run the risk of becoming extinct. Extirpated is a species that exists in the world, but no longer lives in the wild in Ontario. Endangered species live in the wild in Ontario but are in imminent danger of extirpation or extinction. Threated means a species will likely become endangered if measures are not taken to address the factors threatening it. Finally, there are species of special concern which run the risk of becoming threatened or endangered.

The leading cause for species being added to the species at risk list is loss of habitat or pollution within a habitat. This can be in the form of development of land, changes in agriculture or pollution of waterways to name a few. Several steps are being taken by the Ontario government, including tougher legislation to protect both species at risk and their habitat. In an effort to increase Monarch butterfly numbers, a species at risk in Ontario, Milkweed was removed just this past week from the noxious species list. There are many things the average citizen can do to help species at risk.

Understand what species are at risk in Ontario, their habitat and do what you can to protect them. For example, when out hiking, stick to the marked trails. If there are signs up stating that a trail is closed, obey them. There is a reason for the trail being closed. It could be because an endangered or threatened plant is growing on that trail and rejuvenation efforts are in place. Maybe there is a species of bird or animal living or breeding near that trail that shouldn’t be disturbed. Just because it cannot readily be seen, doesn’t mean it is not there. Keep dogs on a leash so they are not running loose, potentially damaging endangered plants or chasing and stressing threatened wildlife. This problem is prevalent in London’s ESA areas. Unfortunately many people don’t understand or respect that ESA stands for Environmentally Significant Area. The Eastern Meadowlark is a species of bird that nests on the ground and is threatened in Ontario. They can be found within Westminster Ponds ESA, where many people let their dogs run freely throughout the grassy fields potentially damaging the nests, eggs or chasing these birds from the area. If you bring food or beverages with you, be sure to take the packaging back out. I’m always surprised at the number of empty coffee cups on the ground in ESAs. My personal feeling is if it can be carried in full, it can be carried out empty. I like to carry bags with me to carry out my own trash, plus I can pick up the trash left behind by others. My dog even does her part, while walking on leash she’ll often carry out an empty water bottle in her mouth that she’s found on the ground!

Creating or preserving current habitat on your property is another way to help. If you have one of these species on your land, do everything you can to protect it. With the recent news on the decrease of Monarch butterflies, planting Milkweed and creating butterfly gardens is something we can all do to preserve their habitat. There are many kinds of Milkweed and any member of the Asclepias (milkweed) family will do. Milkweed can be purchased from most garden centers and nurseries once spring arrives. This can be extended outside your own garden by encouraging schools, churches and community gardens to plant milkweed. For more on how to help the Monarch Butterfly see my blog post Do Your Part To Help The Monarch Butterfly.

Do what you can to educate others and spread the word about species at risk. If you see someone damaging or potentially damaging habitat, say something to them. When I encounter someone letting their dog run free throughout the Meadowlark’s habitat, I attempt to politely explain the potential consequences of their actions. Many are quite appreciative of the knowledge shared, thankful I spoke up and quite willing to change their behavior. It’s important we make this effort to inform others because many honestly don’t see the harm in a dog running through a field.

Volunteer with local groups within you community. Find out what groups in your area are doing initiatives to help species at risk and what you can do to help. Report all sightings of species at risk or any illegal activity regarding plants or wildlife to the Ministry of Natural Resources. For more information, including a list of all of Ontario’s Species at Risk visit the Ministry of Natural Resources website here.

Let’s not let these species decline further or become extinct. Get involved with one of the groups in your community, start your own, or do something in your own backyard. Help educate others to preserve the beautiful nature we have in Ontario. Remember extinction is forever.

Good birding,



Provide Your Backyard Birds With High Energy Suet

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A suet feeder that requires birds to hang upside down is an excellent way to deter Starlings.

Suet is an excellent food to offer birds in your backyard. It is made up of beef fat and is a high energy, easily digested food especially valuable to birds in winter. Common backyard birds that readily eat suet are Woodpeckers, Chickadees, Nuthatches, and Wrens to name a few. Suet cakes are blocks of suet that are mixed with other ingredients such as corn, peanuts or fruit. Suet mixtures are also available in ball or bell form that can be hung anywhere and can be purchased at your local bird food retailer.

Providing suet cakes requires a special feeder. These range from larger wooden feeders with a built in tail rest for the larger species of Woodpeckers to small cages ideal for Chickadees and Downy Woodpeckers. Either of these styles I like to hang from a tree branch because it is simple to do and the birds will find it quite quickly. Many of the hopper style feeders come with suet cages on either end.

Starlings are also big fans of suet. A group of these birds can devour a suet cake in less than a day. As a result my favorite way to offer suet is in a feeder that requires the birds to hang upside down. Starlings have a hard time hanging upside down and therefore will not be able to just sit and gorge themselves on your suet. Woodpeckers, Chickadees, Nuthatches, and Wrens have no problem hanging upside down so your feeder will attract the more desirable birds and your suet will last much longer. Make sure your feeder is hung high enough that Starlings can’t make repeated short flutters form the ground or a lower branch to your suet.

If you don’t already have a suet feeder in your backyard, talk to your local bird feed retailer and tell them you are interested in one. They will be able to provide you with a feeder and suet mixture that will work best for you. By offering suet you may just attract a couple of new species to your yard.

Good birding,


Fall Migration: It’s More Than Just Birds Leaving

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Birds such as this American Tree Sparrow are only found in our area during winter months. Getting out birding is a great way to make the winter feel shorter.

With fall upon us bird migration is well underway and many people believe it to be over. Sure the big numbers of Warblers and Shorebirds have moved through and Raptor numbers peaked about a month ago, but there is still plenty out there to see. In fact fall migration isn’t just about what’s leaving or moving through, but what calls our area home for the winter. Several species of birds that spend their summers north of here have started moving in. Dark-eyed Juncos have appeared in good numbers this past week. Other species that can be seen are the various Sparrow species such as, White-throated, White-crowned, and American Tree Sparrows to name a few.

As fall progresses and turns to winter watch for more and more birds to arrive. Raptors like the Rough-legged Hawk and Owls such as the Snowy generally set up shop for winter in our area sometime in December. Bald Eagle numbers also increase in our area during winter months. Eagles are less territorial in winter and several can be seen in the same area. Many species of waterfowl will show up as cooler weather arrives. Buffleheads, Mergansers, and Goldeneye are all duck species I’ve photographed all winter long on the Thames River. Each of these species of duck dives for it’s food so they require open water for survival. The Thames River with it’s constant flow provides just that.

Winter months provide an amazing opportunity to see several bird species that just are not around at other times of the year. Pick a species that resides here for the winter that you have never seen before. Do a little research as to what type of habitat it prefers and think of places you know that fit that description. Bundle up and head out to those places and see if you can locate one. If you prefer the comforts of a warm car and a Timmies many of these species can be found while driving on county roads. It is a great way to make the winter feel shorter and you’ll be surprised at how rewarded you feel when your hard work pays off.

Good birding,

Westminster Ponds ESA

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This Brown Thrasher is one of the many species of birds I’ve photographed while hiking at Westminster Ponds ESA.

Nestled in the heart of south London lies a real wildlife gem. Westminster Ponds ESA is bordered by Commissioners Rd, Wellington Rd, Southdale Rd and Highbury Ave. At roughly 200 hectares it is the largest Environmentally Significant Area in the city. Five ponds and 11kms of trails make it an outdoor enthusiasts paradise. Hiking, birding and fishing are some of the activities that can be enjoyed there. Keep in mind this area is not a dog park so leashes no longer than 6ft must be used, and biking is not permitted.

The mixed habitat is home to several species of wildlife and is a favourite spot of mine to hike and take pictures. During some of my hikes there I have encountered White-tailed Deer, Coyotes, Beavers, and numerous bird species, both migrating and resident. This time of year is a great time to visit because the fall colours around the ponds are amazing. Several types of sparrows including White-crowned, and White throated can be seen by the hundreds. Ruby-crowned, and Golden-crowned Kinglets are other species that can be seen quite readily this time of year. The five ponds are good stop over places for migrating waterfowl too. Loons, grebes, and many duck species can be seen.

All trails are clearly marked and vary in length. Anything from a quick stroll to a full on hike can be enjoyed. Remember to stick to the trails and obey the trail closed signs as reforestation is taking place in some areas. Trails can become quite muddy after a rain so make sure to wear appropriate footwear.

If spotting wildlife is your goal remember to walk quietly. This is another great reason your dog should be on a leash. I take my dog with me all the time on a leash and see something interesting every time  I go. I’ve had people see me with my camera and ask what I photograph. When I tell them they sound surprised and respond by telling me they never see anything. These are the same people whose dogs are 20-30 feet ahead of them on the trails. As I mentioned earlier Coyotes are prevalent in the area and I have seen them try to lure small dogs away from their owners. If a Coyote is encountered and you feel unsafe shout loudly and make a throwing motion at it. This has worked for me in the past.

If you’ve never visited Westminster Ponds ESA you are truly missing out.  It is one of my favourite places in the city. Please make sure to read and obey the rules and remember the old saying, ” Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints”.

Good birding,