This Bald Eagle was both photographed and videoed and is featured in my vlog.
Back in February of this year, I revealed I would be launching a vlog. Being new to video and trying to learn the software required to stitch everything together, I wasn’t happy with the quality of the videos I was putting out. As a result, I haven’t uploaded as many videos to my YouTube channel as I had envisioned when I decided to start the vlog.
I am super excited to announce the incredibly talented and creativeNick J. Scott is now producing my vlog. You may recognize Nick’s name from his work on the movie Liminality, as well as his Fuse 90 series, among many other notable projects.
Nick’s production skills have improved the vlog so much and I couldn’t be happier. I hope you enjoy the new graphic and musical elements as much as I do.
My YouTube channel has been renamed Explore The Wild with Paul Roedding, as I hope to create videos that appeal beyond birding and photography to also include more wild elements both from my northern location and the London area – such as paddling, hiking, camping, and of course more adventures with Molly!
I can’t thank Nick enough for contributing his amazing talents to the vlog. Episode 1, Patch Birding, a revamped (and much better) version of my earlier Birding At My Local Patch vlog, can be viewed below. If you enjoy it be sure to like and subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the bell for notification when new episodes are released. Spoiler alert: I happen to have a lot of footage from the Algonquin Park area that may be featured in the next installment of Explore The Wild (wink wink).
This bee covered in pollen on a purple coneflower was the first image I was really proud of that I shot with a macro lens. To my delight, the image was featured in National Geographic’s Daily Dozen.
During the summer months, I like to put down my telephoto lens from time to time and focus on shooting with a macro lens. With so many possibilities in macro photography, one doesn’t have to travel far to find a subject. I prefer to focus my macro efforts on insects as they are prevalent anywhere I go and are fairly simple to shoot provided I follow a few easy steps.
Shot with 60 mm macro lens, this uncropped image of a Monarch Butterfly demonstrates how close these amazing lenses will focus.
1. Get Close
When shooting with a macro lens my goal is to capture as much detail as possible. Like any other any lens, the closer you get to your subject the more detail you will capture. Macro lenses are designed with a much shorter minimum focusing distance than other lenses which allows the photographer to get incredibly close. The lens I shoot with will focus at 7.87″ allowing me to get close enough to fill the frame with even the smallest insects capturing incredible detail.
Since most subjects in macro photography do not move overly fast, a lower ISO can be selected resulting in images with less digital noise.
2. Lower Your ISO
In my previous posts and during my workshops, I encourage photographers to increase their ISO when photographing wildlife. This is because in most situations when trying to capture images of birds and other fast moving subjects a higher ISO results in and a faster shutter speed, thus sharper final images.
In macro photography, the majority of subjects including flowers and insects are either stationary or slower moving and therefore I can get away with a much slower shutter speed. In most cases, I find a shutter speed of 1/250 to 1/500 plenty fast enough to freeze the action of bees and other small insects as they crawl about gathering pollen and nectar. Depending on the amount of available light I generally shoot at ISO 400 or less which results in a sufficient shutter speed while leaving less noise in my final images.
By strategically choosing my aperture I was able to keep my entire subject (the bee) in focus while blurring the coneflower background.
3. Carefully Select Your Aperture
Depth of field is where I really struggled when I first picked up a macro lens. My subject was always out of focus due to choosing too wide an aperture. Ultimately, depth comes down to personal preference and capturing the image how you want it to appear. For me, when shooting wildlife I like the entire subject in focus from nose to tail whenever possible. There are two ways to control depth of field. The first is by changing your physical distance from the subject and the second is by adjusting your aperture (also known as f-stop). When I am photographing insects with my macro lens I want to capture as much detail as possible and typically shoot between f/8 and f/11 even when I am at my minimum focusing distance of 7.87″. This ensures the entire insect is sharp and in focus capturing the most detail, which is the look I am trying to achieve.
When photographing flowers or something more abstract, perhaps a more blurred foreground, background or even subject would be more appealing. In these cases selecting a wider aperture of maybe f/4 or f2.8 (remember smaller f-stop equals wider aperture) will achieve a more interesting image. The nice thing about photographing flowers and other stationary subjects is they aren’t going anywhere so take plenty of images at a range of apertures and see which one you like best.
A pleasing composition is easily achieved by following the rule of thirds.
4. Think About Your Composition
Composition is one of the most important elements of photography as this is what draws our eyes to and through a photo. Spending a few minutes before pressing the shutter and imagining how you want the image to appear is very important. Composition really can make or break an image so take the time to line up your shot. Just like any other genre of photography following the rule of thirds applies to macro work. If you are not familiar with the rule of thirds, simply imagine a grid similar to a tic-tac-toe board over top of your image. Try lining vertical subjects up with the vertical grid lines and horizontal subjects up with the horizontal lines. Ideally, you will place your subject where these imaginary lines intersect and in the case of wildlife, the subject should be looking across the frame. Many cameras allow you to turn this grid feature on displaying it on the LCD screen while shooting in live view to assist with composition.
Shooting at eye level can capture a perspective of a subject we are not used to seeing.
5. Shoot At Eye Level
Often times insects and flowers can be low to the ground. It is important to kneel down or crouch in order to photograph the subject at eye level. In most cases, an eye-level view will result in a much more appealing image than something shot from below or above. That being said, don’t be afraid to get creative. Sometimes the underside of a flower or bee with a blurred out expansive background can look pretty cool. I always wear clothes that I don’t care if they get dirty whenever I am out with my camera as I regularly find myself kneeling in dirt or laying on my stomach in order to get the best angle.
Achieving the proper exposure in camera will ensure the most detail is captured.
6. Check Your Histogram
This applies regardless of what you are photographing in order to achieve the proper exposure. On sunny days, flowers and insects will almost reflect the light which results in highlights being overexposed and a significant loss of detail. This lack of detail negatively impacts the final image. I get asked all the time “can’t I just fix that in photoshop?” In my opinion, “fix” is not the correct word to use in this situation. You can certainly change this by moving the highlight slider in post-production in an attempt to recover detail, but this will not result in the same capture of detail as checking your histogram and making the required adjustments in camera.
By shooting in aperture priority mode exposure compensation can easily be adjusted by a few clicks of the camera’s dial resulting in proper exposure and preserved detail. I personally don’t mind taking macro shots during the midday sun and typically shoot between -1/3 and -2/3 of exposure compensation to control the highlights and preserve detail. Watching for shadows is paramount to ensure the subject is well lit. Often waiting just a few seconds for the light to change or the subject to move, even only a few centimeters, can make all the difference in the world.
Canon’s EF-S 60 mm macro lens is an affordable option for anyone looking for a great macro lens.
My lens of choice for macro photography is the Canon EFS 60 mm F/2.8 Macro USM. This lens is incredibly sharp and focusses almost instantly. The lack of image stabilization is not an issue for me and all of my macro images are shot handheld. If you are a Canon shooter and considering a macro lens, I would definitely check this one out. Just remember this lens is an
EF-S mount and only works on crop sensor bodies and not on Canon’s full-frame cameras.
Macro lenses allow subjects to be photographed up close capturing detail otherwise missed with other lenses.
I cannot say enough good things about this lens including the price point. Canon’s next model up in their macro series comes in at $300 more while their L series professional lens is double the price making this a great macro lens at a more affordable price. The focal length and wide aperture of this lens also make it a great portrait lens providing more bang for your buck; however, I won’t bore you with family photos in this post.
This hatchling Snapping Turtle was only about the size of a toonie but with a macro lens, I was able to fill the frame and capture all the detail of its tiny shell.
If you enjoy macro photography but are not seeing the results you had hoped for, give these 6 easy steps a try. A few simple adjustments are often all it takes to capture the image of your dreams.
Taking the time to prepare for an image long before pressing the shutter will lead to more consistent results.
When it comes to photographing wildlife, being prepared when a shot presents itself is something any photographer beginner or professional can do to ensure greater success in the field. Some misconceptions I hear regarding my photography is I must be incredibly patient or have waited a ridiculous amount of time to capture many of my images. While I consider myself a patient person in many aspects of my life, this does not hold true when it comes to photography.
Most of my photography takes place during morning walks while on a work break and therefore I must keep moving. As a result, I rarely stay in one location very long unless I observe a rare species, one I have yet to photograph or see the potential for an exceptional shot. Even in these cases, I don’t hold still long. In order to have success with this run-and-gun approach being prepared is crucial.
Regardless of whether I am planning on heading out with my camera during a morning walk or spending an entire day at one of my favourite birding locations, following a series of steps ensures I am prepared for any shot when the situation arises. If you find yourself missing opportunities when in the field, adhere to this simple checklist for improved success.
I have yet to miss an image due to a dead battery. Making sure my battery is fully charged the night before assures enough power for a full day of shooting.
A fully charged battery ensures your camera has enough power to capture images throughout the day. I like to charge my battery the night before heading out. By employing this practice I have never had a battery die resulting in missed opportunities even while shooting thousands of images in extremely cold weather. In fact, I have such confidence in this I have never invested in a spare battery saving me money in the process.
During spring migration it’s not uncommon to take hundreds even thousands of images in a single day. A clear memory card will provide plenty of space to capture all of those beautiful migrants.
Transferring images from my camera to laptop is something I typically do upon returning home from a day’s shoot. However, as part of my preparation, I double check the card in my camera has been cleared. Packing a second memory card is also a good idea as this will allow more images to be captured and provides insurance in the unfortunate event of a card error. Memory cards have come down significantly in price in recent years so there is little excuse not to own at least one spare.
A clean lens will make certain no dark spots from dust or water droplets appear in the images.
Taking the time to clean the camera’s sensor and any lenses you plan on shooting with will leave you confident no dust spots show up on your images. While these spots can sometimes be later removed with various photo editing software, fewer edits made preserves the integrity of a photo. Cleaning your gear takes very little time and should be done before every shoot. Wiping down the exterior of the camera to remove any fingerprints or dust especially from the LCD screen will make reviewing your histogram much easier after capturing an image. A clean viewfinder provides an immaculate view of your subject and camera settings.
One item that often gets overlooked when it comes to cleaning gear is the lens caps. Think of how many times you have dropped your lens caps only to briefly blow on it or wipe it on your pants expecting it to be clean. When the cap is replaced back on the lens dirt and debris is easily transferred leaving potentially image compromising blemishes on the front element. I like to use a separate cleaning cloth for my lens caps as they are often my dirtiest piece of equipment, and I do not want to risk scratching my camera body or lenses with sand and gravel transferred from my lens cap.
In nature photography, chances to capture a shot are often only available for a few seconds. Taking the time to power up a camera when a shot presents itself often leads to missed opportunities.
Upon arriving at your destination and removing the camera from its bag, turn the power switch to the on position and leave it there. If you are concerned about draining the battery, no need to worry as most cameras have an auto power off feature. To save power the camera will automatically power off after about a minute of not operating. To turn the camera back on, simply press the shutter halfway.
If you are not already taking advantage of this feature it can be enabled from within the camera’s menu. Taking the time to turn the camera on via the power button or forgetting entirely before every shot is a missed image waiting to happen.
You never know when an opportunity is going to present itself so being prepared is of utmost importance. Having my lens cap off prior to this Red-tailed Hawk flying straight towards me saved valuable seconds which allowed me to capture the image.
Many photographers leave their lens caps on while hiking around out of fear of scratching their front element. If this is you, try to avoid this practice as you are setting yourself up to miss potential shots. If you have to stop and remove your lens cap when a shot presents itself, most of the time the shot will be gone before you get the cap off.
If you are concerned about protecting your front element and your lens is equipped with a hood, put it on and leave it on even on cloudy days as this will shield the lens from tree limbs and other potential scratching hazards. Clear protective lens filters available in a variety of sizes to fit your specific lens can be purchased and are cheap insurance. These filters simply thread onto the front element of a lens protecting it from scratches.
Knowing the correct exposure for the sky before this Great Egret flew overhead enabled me to quickly adjust my settings resulting in this photo.
Always check your camera settings to make sure they are optimized for the light conditions and your subject. Remember when photographing birds and wildlife you need a fast shutter speed. Adjust your ISO and aperture accordingly and ensure your camera is set to high speed continuous to take advantage of your maximum frames per second.
Once you have your basic settings dialed in, take a few test shots and check your histogram to ensure proper exposure and adjust if necessary. This works even if there is no subject present as in most cases the exposure won’t change even with a bird or some other form of wildlife in the frame. Remember to take a few shots of the sky as well so you will know the proper exposure and can quickly adjust for a potential bird in flight.
Whenever possible ensure the sun is at your back before taking the shot.
When photographing anything outdoors you always want to keep the sun at your back whenever possible. This will ensure your subject is properly lit. When it comes to photographing wildlife a little forethought can help achieve this. When heading out for a morning hike I always try to walk from east to west. Conversely, if heading out in the afternoon or evening, I plan my walk so that I am heading from west to east. In most situations, this helps ensure my subject is well lit and avoids backlit images and silhouettes.
Even common birds like the American Robin are wary of loud sounds. Be sure to move slowly and quietly keeping noise to a minimum.
Wildlife can startle very easily resulting in missed shots. I like to wear quiet clothing avoiding nylon and other loud materials alerting my presence to potential subjects. Moving slowly and quietly helps me get close enough to capture detailed images. Watch where you step as the sound of a breaking stick or leaves rustling on the ground can easily spook wary wildlife.
When sneaking up on wildlife avoid eye contact and don’t approach in a straight line. Using a zig-zag pattern is far more effective and less likely to cause the subject to flee. Be respectful and don’t approach too closely especially when it comes to nesting birds or wildlife with young. Remember the old saying “If my behaviour changes their behaviour than I’m too close.”
Choosing a single focus point and placing it on the subject’s eye results in sharp images.
This is pretty straightforward. When the eye is sharp the image is sharp.
After obtaining focus, shoot at least three frames consecutively. By employing this practice, you will likely find that the second image is always the sharpest.
Once focus is achieved on the subject’s eye and you are ready to start shooting, hold the shutter down and fire off at least three frames in a row. It has been my experience that by doing this the second image in a sequence of three is always the sharpest. When the subject is at a distance I find that most photographers achieve focus but then end up aiming low while pressing the shutter. Focus is once again acquired for the second shot and then lost high while overcompensating on the third shot, thus at least frames will yield better results than shooting individual images.
The histogram is every photographer’s best friend when it comes to achieving proper exposure. Understanding how to read one and using it regularly results in more keeper images.
After shooting a series of frames, be sure to check your histogram to ensure proper exposure. Adjust as necessary and continue shooting. Light conditions are always changing, which is why I like to continually take test shots of the various scenes as I move along on my hike. This gives me a good base exposure that can quickly be tweaked if necessary once a subject is located.
Next to missed focus, improper exposure is the biggest reason images end up in the recycle bin. Sure you can try adjusting the exposure in Photoshop or other editing software, but you will quickly see the image quality deteriorate once you start moving those exposure sliders. For optimal final images always try to get the exposure correct in camera.
Taking the time to complete all of these steps meant I was ready for the shot at the exact moment this Green Heron struck capturing a Leopard Frog.
You never know when the shot of a lifetime will present itself, so it’s best to be prepared if and when one does. After understanding camera settings and how to apply them to each situation, being prepared is the biggest thing any photographer can do to capture more consistent images. As you can see there are several steps involved to being prepared, but by taking a little extra time, often before heading out into the field, you will set yourself up for improved success and who knows maybe even the image of a lifetime.
Peanut feeders like this inexpensive metal one I have in my yard are great for attracting Northern Flickers and other clinging birds.
Walk into any store specializing in feeding wild birds and the selection of feeders can be overwhelming to say the least. With so many styles to choose from, how do you choose the right one for your yard? Fortunately, the staff at these specialty stores are happy to offer expert advice based on your specific yard and the birds you wish to attract.
In my yard, I have as many as 10 feeders out at any given time which to many may seem like overkill, so for this post, I am going to share the top three I think every homeowner looking to attract an abundance of birds to their yard should own.
1. Tube Feeder
In a recent post titled How To Attract Northern Cardinals To Your Yard In 4 Easy Steps, I mentioned tube feeders as a great option for enticing these colour birds. In fact, tube feeders are a great option for offering seed to most birds that frequent our area. I prefer a squirrel proof tube feeder with Brome’s Squirrel Buster Plus and Squirrel Buster Classic being two great options.
Purple Finches have shown up at my tube feeder filled with black oil sunflower seed each of the past two Aprils.
My personal favourite tube feeder is the Yankee Flipperby Droll Yankees. This feeder features a battery powered motor, which causes the perch ring to spin once activated by a squirrel’s weight. Squirrels quickly lose their grip and are gently thrown from the feeder. The large perch ring accommodates birds of all sizes while the metal construction provides exceptional durability. The clear polycarbonate tube holds a considerable amount of seed, which means I don’t have to fill this feeder as often as smaller models.
The large perch ring on the Yankee Flipper by Droll Yankees is perfect for attracting Northern Cardinals.
I received my Yankee Flipper for Christmas in 2008, and the rechargeable battery is still going strong. Backed by a lifetime warranty (excluding the battery or electronic parts) this feeder, in my opinion, is worth every penny of its hefty price tag. Some of the birds observed in my backyard feeding at the Yankee Flipper include:
Northern Cardinal
Blue Jay
American Goldfinch
House Finch
Purple Finch
Carolina Wren
White-breasted Nuthatch
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Black-capped Chickadee
Mourning Dove
Rose-breasted Grosebeak
Female Purple Finch
I chose to hang my Yankee Flipper from a large sycamore branch overhanging my yard. The feeder can be accessed by squirrels jumping from the nearby fence top or descending the hook, but most of these critters have become privy to the unpleasant ride that follows and simply stare at the feeder in frustration.
2. Hopper Feeder
When it comes to versatility hopper feeders, especially those with a large platform at the base, are the best for enticing the widest variety of birds. It is these oversized feeding areas that will encourage larger species including Mourning Doves and other ground feeding birds to visit. Dark-eyed Juncos and several of the more desirable sparrow species will readily choose this style of feeder over all other varieties. What type of seed or mix you fill a hopper feeder with will determine what birds you attract.
Placing peanuts in the shell on the large tray attached to my hopper feeder always attracts an abundance of Blue Jays.
If you are looking to deter some of the larger bird species, smaller hopper feeders without an oversized base are available. Clinging birds like chickadees, nuthatches, and woodpeckers will still be able to perch as will finches, while doves, jays, and grackles will have a harder time.
This Red-headed Woodpecker was a surprise visitor to my hopper feeder last June. These particular birds are rare in our area and are currently listed as special concern on Ontario’s species at risk list.
Smaller hopper feeders can be hung while larger models are best pole mounted with a baffle to deter squirrels. Some hopper feeders even come with bonus suet cages mounted on either end, which are a nice addition as this high energy food will attract an even broader spectrum of birds. Hopper feeders have traditionally been constructed from cedar and other woods, but recycled plastic models are now available which are more weather resistant providing increased durability. Depending on the size of feeder and material you choose, the price will vary considerably, so select a model that suits your budget and landscape.
3. Peanut Feeder
A metal peanut feederis an inexpensive way to attract a multitude of clinging birds to just about any backyard. Woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, and Carolina Wrens are some of the species that frequent my peanut feeder on a regular basis making it hands down my favourite feeder.
This metal peanut feeder is by far my favourite feeder as it attracts a wide variety of birds including Carolina Wrens.
I have always said that if I could only have one feeder in my yard, this style of peanut feeder would be it because of the birds it attracts. One nice characteristic of this feeder is the peanut halves used to fill it are slightly larger than the holes that dispense them, meaning birds have to work at the peanut in order to remove them from the feeder. This keeps each bird on the feeder longer, resulting in extended viewing times.
Hairy Woodpeckers are among the four species of woodpecker that regularly visit my peanut feeder.
I love woodpeckers with the Red-bellied being my absolute favourite bird, so for me, this feeder is a must have. I personally prefer the 16″ model (which retails for about $25) because its increased length gives larger woodpeckers like the Red-bellied, Hairy, and Northern Flicker a larger surface for balancing their tails. Like the tube feeder, I too hang this one from a tree branch.
White-breasted Nuthatch.
You might be wondering how to keep squirrels off this feeder as the smell of peanuts will certainly draw them in. I have found that most squirrels have difficulty descending the long thin wire I have mine hanging from and have not had much of a problem with squirrels on this feeder. The small holes in the feeder make it incredibly challenging for squirrels to access the peanuts allowing them to only nibble the ends of the peanuts that stick out. For this reason, squirrels cannot empty this feeder like they do others. If you prefer to keep squirrels off altogether, there are several baffles on the market this feeder can be hung beneath.
Red-breasted Nuthatch.
Though some of these feeders may seem pricey, as the old saying goes you get what you pay for. Many of the higher end feeders are backed by a lifetime warranty reigning supreme over their cheaper counterparts. A good quality feeder will provide years of enjoyment and makes a great addition to any yard.
Adding these three feeders will attract just about every common bird found in our area to any yard and may even lure in a few rarities. If you are wishing to attract more birds to your property give one or all of these feeders a try, I’m sure you will be happy you did.
A hopper feeder with a large tray at the bottom is great for attracting Mourning Doves and other ground feeding birds.
Remember, when adding new feeders it can take a few weeks for birds to get accustomed to them, but with a little patience and these three models you will soon be enjoying a plethora of birds in your yard.
Good birding,
* Please note this post contains Amazon affiliate links. You can help support my website by using the above links when you purchase products on Amazon (they send me a few bucks when you do at no additional cost to you). I only provide links to products I have purchased and am satisfied with based on my own experience. Thanks for your support!*
A wide variety of waterfowl including this female Northern Pintail were recently observed in Springbank Park
In my last post, Fresh Snow Provides The Perfect Backdrop For Photographing Birds, I shared some of my recent observations and images from Springbank Park, one of my favourite winter birding locations. One of the reasons I love this park so much is the abundance of waterfowl within it. Those of you that have followed my blog for a while will know that I absolutely love waterfowl and often target these birds specifically during the winter months.
Throughout winter, Springpark Park is home to a wide variety of waterfowl with hundreds of ducks and geese present on any given day, albeit Mallards and Canada Geese are the most prevalent species. When it comes to ducks, a good population of divers can be found within the park from December to March each year. Mixed in with the large flocks of Mallards other dabblers are often present, but locating them requires a keen eye to recognize the subtle differences between the species.
Recognizing the cinnamon coloured head and dark bill helped me quickly pick this female Northern Pintail out of a large flock of Mallards.
I will be the first to admit that bird identification is extremely challenging and has taken me a significant number of years to confidently identify the number of birds I can. Referencing a quality field guide is something I still do to be 100% positive if required. One thing that has helped me incredibly over the years to assist in proper identification is to look for the subtle differences that separate similar species.
When it comes to waterfowl, the Northern Pintail is my favourite. I find the male’s plumage absolutely stunning while the females, as is the case with most birds, appear more drab but equally beautiful just the same.
Each winter I seem to locate at least one Northern Pintail within Springbank Park. In January 2016, I found this pair resting in small pond adjacent to Storybook Gardens. Note the subtle differences between the female Pintail and the female Mallard.
On my visit to Springbank Park last week, I spent a significant amount of time scanning the 100s of Mallards searching for other dabblers that may be mixed in. American Black Ducks were easily picked out by their contrasting dark plumage. While I observed plenty of divers on the river including Common Goldeneye, Common Mergansers, and Hooded Mergansers; Mallards and American Black Ducks appeared to be the only dabblers present. As I made my way past the small duck pond adjacent to Storybook Gardens, a cinnamon head and dark bill caught my eye. As I moved closer to the fence, I could see that this duck was in fact a female Northern Pintail. For me, these two subtle differences helped quickly separate this bird from large flock of female Mallards.
This particular sighting was the highlight of my day as not only is the Northern Pintail my favourite duck, these birds are typically much further south at this time of year overwintering in the southern United States. That being said, I always seem to locate at least one Northern Pintail within Springbank Park at some point during the winter each year.
In 2013, I found this male Wood Duck resting on the same fallen log as the pair of Northern Pintails located in 2016.
Over the years, I have found a number of interesting dabblers and divers within this small pond beside Stroybook Gardens during the winter months. Northern Pintail, Amercan Black Duck, Wood Duck, American Wigeon, Green-winged Teal, Redhead, and Common Goldeneye have all been observed.
Last winter, this male Redhead spent several days in this same small pond providing excellent views.
If you happen to visit Springbank Park throughout the winter months, try not to dismiss all the ducks present as Mallards. Look for subtle differences in colour to differentiate between species. If you are unsure what the species is, make note of these variations whether it’s feather colour or bill colour and look the bird up later in your field guide or favourite bird identification app. By taking the time to look for and recognize these characteristics, you may just add a few new birds to your year or life list.
Belted Kingfisher photographed against a background of falling snow.
As our seasons change, we experience a variety of beautiful conditions for photographing birds. From budding trees in the spring to vibrant leaves in the fall, beautiful backdrops seem almost endless. For me, my favourite backdrop for photographing birds is snow, and I always eagerly await the first significant snowfall of the season. After three snow squall warnings for my area back in November that didn’t materialize, I was happy to see over twelve inches of fresh snow fall last week, presenting the exact setting I had been waiting so patiently for.
Black-capped Chickadees at the local park are quite tame and will even accept food from your hand. These small songbirds are perfect subjects if you are shooting with a shorter lens.
With a fresh layer of snow already covering the ground and more flurries in the forecast, I grabbed my camera and headed to one of my favourite winter birding locations, Springbank Park in west London. This popular park boasts a variety of habitat including deciduous and coniferous trees providing the birds with plenty of food and shelter. The Thames River flowing through the park provides a dependable water source throughout the year as the river’s moving water prevents a complete freeze up even during the coldest weather. With the three necessitates of life: food, water, and shelter provided, Springbank Park is home to an abundance of birds. Songbirds, birds of prey, and waterfowl are all readily observed within the park’s boundaries.
Using the weather to my advantage allows me to observe more birds when I am out birding. Wind can make the location of Northern Cardinals and other songbirds extremely predictable.
When birding during harsh winter conditions, I like to put the odds in my favour by paying attention to the weather. Finding areas out of the wind with a food source greatly improves my success. During periods of high wind and snow, birds will seek shelter from the elements but must also feed regularly in order to keep warm. On this day, I searched for birds using a tree line and the near riverbank as a wind break. Songbirds were observed feeding on a variety of fruits and seeds including sumac, birch, alder, various evergreens, and goldenrod.
This Song Sparrow was one of the many birds I found feeding on the seeds of goldenrod and other native wildflowers.
After locating an abundance of birds in this food rich, protected area, it was just a matter of fine tuning my camera settings to achieve the proper exposure based on available light and snow cover. I always take a few test shots of the scene I am shooting even if there are no birds present. Doing so and checking my camera’s histogram ensures I have the correct exposure. This way when a shot does present itself I am ready. All I have to do is obtain focus (I always focus on the bird’s eye, because when the eye is sharp the image is sharp) and press the shutter. Taking these test shots and adjusting my settings before photographing the birds has been one of the biggest things I have done to improve my photography and consistently get better images. Before this, my images were almost always over or underexposed and by the time I adjusted my settings the bird was gone.
Blue Jays and other songbirds were located in protected areas during last week’s high winds and snowy conditions.
Given the conditions, I needed to overexpose my images to compensate for the white snow in most of the scenes I was shooting. If you find that your winter images appear too grey or underexposed it is because all cameras, regardless of price point, are made to believe a properly exposed image is mid-grey. Consequently your camera will automatically underexpose images not recognizing that snow is supposed to be white. Therefore, adjusting your camera’s settings so that the snow appears white is paramount.
Mourning Doves were among the 27 species I observed while birding at Springbank Park during last week’s snow squalls.
Adjusting for snowy conditions to achieve the proper exposure is easier than you may think. I like to work in aperture priority mode as this allows me to fine-tune my settings quickly and adjust on the fly as the light conditions change. Once in aperture priority mode, I can over or underexpose my images by simply turning the large wheel on the back of my Canon 7D. Each click of the wheel changes my exposure by 1/3 of a stop of light. Rotating the wheel clockwise will overexpose or brighten my exposure while rotating the wheel counter clockwise will underexpose or darken my exposure. This is known as exposure compensation and is something every photographer should learn in order to achieve proper exposure in a variety of situations regardless of your subject. If your camera does not have a wheel on the back, most cameras whether a Canon, Nikon, or other brand will allow you to adjust the exposure compensation by holding down the AV +/- button (usually located on the back or top of the camera) while turning the camera’s dial simultaneously. How and when to use exposure compensation is one of the many aspects of nature photography I teach during my Nature Photography Workshops.
In my opinion, Brown Creepers are one of the best camouflaged birds found in our area. The patterning on their backs blends in perfectly with most tree bark.
In snowy conditions, overexposing by 1-1/3 to 2 stops of light (4 to 6 clicks of the dial clockwise) is often required to achieve proper exposure. This will ensure that the snow appears white and not grey in your final images. One question I always get asked is “can’t I just fix this later in Photoshop?” My answer to that question is this. You can change your exposure later in Photoshop; however, “fix” is not necessarily the correct word to use. Anytime you increase your exposure in Photoshop or any other post processing program you will increase the amount of noise in the image, drastically negating image quality. Getting the exposure correct in camera is one of the easiest ways to quickly improve your overall image quality.
Carolina Wrens can be a challenging bird to photograph due to their tendency to inhabit thick cover. I was happy to see this one emerge briefly providing me with an unobstructed view.
With my camera settings dialed in to achieve a fast shutter speed and proper exposure, I was ready to photograph the plethora of birds within the sheltered, food abundant area in which they were associating. By using the weather to my advantage and choosing the correct camera settings, I managed to locate 27 species and capture sharp, properly exposed images of almost all of them.
Northern Cardinals are one of my favourite birds to photograph in the snow.
Next time you are out searching for birds in winter remember to use the wind and weather to your advantage. Successful birding has far more to do with formulating a plan based on conditions than it does with luck. When photographing birds, focus on the bird’s eye for sharper images and learn how to use exposure compensation to achieve proper exposure based on light conditions. If you are not getting the results you are hoping for from your camera and lens, consider joining me at one of my upcoming Nature Photography Workshops. During these two hour workshops I will show you everything you need to know to greatly improve your overall images. Group size is limited during these workshops for individual attention, and a few spaces still remain for early in the new year. Why not make it your resolution to become better with your camera and get the results you are hoping for?
This Snowy Owl was observed perched high above a county road while birding from my car.
In my last blog post The Best Gloves For Winter Birding and Photography, I shared which gloves I wear to keep my hands warm while birding during cooler weather. If despite being properly dressed you still don’t enjoy getting outdoors for winter birding there is another option. Birding from the comfort of a warm car can be incredibly rewarding.
Horned Larks are regularly observed feeding in open fields and on spilled grain along area roads and highways.
With the vast majority of county rounds surrounded by open farmland and woodlots, expect to find birds specific to these types of habitats when birding by car. Birds of prey, Wild Turkeys, and songbirds including Horned Larks and Snow Buntings are all readily observed when birding by car.
Rough-legged Hawks breed across the arctic tundra, but return to Southwestern Ontario each year to spend the winter months.
When birding by car, it is generally the larger birds that I search for, those that are more easily observed from a distance. Birds of prey can be easily located and viewed from a vehicle simply by driving down area roads. During the winter months, Red-tailed Hawks, American Kestrels, Rough-legged Hawks, and Snowy Owls are all readily observed along county roads and highways throughout Southwestern Ontario, Whether perched on a wire, in a large tree adjacent to a farmer’s field, or sitting on the ground, these birds are easily found.
Red-tailed Hawks are regularly observed while birding by car. Look for these raptors perched along forest edges adjacent to open fields.
While many of these birds can be found just about anywhere based on the abundance of suitable habitat throughout the area, there are a few resources available to improve your success. The Middlesex/Elgin/Oxford Observation Group is great for keeping up to date with recent sightings from within these three counties. Another great option for following recent observations is the eBird Species Map. Simply type in the species you wish to observe and the area in which you intend to look, and all reported sightings will appear on the map. You can narrow your search further by choosing a custom date range. Having a quick look at these websites before heading out will greatly increase your success.
Travelling area back roads in the comfort of a warm car often reveals an abundance Red-tailed Hawks.
There are a couple of things to be mindful of when birding by car. First and foremost, be safe. Pay attention to other vehicles including snowplows sharing the roads with you. I constantly check my mirrors for faster moving vehicles approaching from behind, and if safe to do so, pull over to let them pass. Choosing some of the less traveled roads is a great way to avoid traffic and increase your safety. Be aware of the weather and road conditions and drive accordingly. When pulling over to let other cars pass, make sure there is room for your vehicle and not a deep ditch waiting to engulf your car. Snow covered shoulders can be deceiving and having to call a tow truck will result in a long wait and an expensive bill.
Eastern Coyotes and other mammals are often bonus finds when birding by car.
Another thing to keep in mind is to be respectful. This applies to both landowners and the birds. Most of the land surrounding these roads and highways is privately owned, so observe the birds from the shoulder only without wandering across lawns and fields. In the case of Snowy Owls, these birds have traveled hundreds if not thousands of kilometers from their breeding grounds in search of food. In many cases owls are exhausted, hungry, and already stressed. Chasing them from their perch only adds to that stress. If you cannot get close enough for a decent view or photograph remember the area and return another day.
Despite a large number of Snowy Owl sightings around the Great Lakes already this season, it is important to remember this species is now listed as vulnerable suffering a 64% population decline since 1970. Giving these birds space and not causing them added stress is of utmost importance.
Snowy Owls will remain in an area all winter if not repeatedly disturbed and often return to the same area each winter. With a little patience and multiple visits to the same area, great views and images will be obtained without stressing the birds. I have said this before in previous blog posts, but will say it again, stay in your car. Snowy Owls are far less likely to flush from their perch if you observe and photograph them from within your vehicle. Approaching on foot for a closer look will only cause the bird to fly resulting in lost views and unnecessary stress.
The American Kestrel is North America’s smallest falcon. These birds can be easily found perched on wires throughout our area.
If heading outdoors in the cold and snow is not your cup of tea, but you would still like your fill of birding this winter, give birding by car a try. Southwestern Ontario’s back roads are surrounded by an abundance of ideal habitat to attract and sustain a variety of birds and wildlife. Grab your camera, binoculars, a warm drink, and hit the road. Remember to be safe while driving during winter conditions and to respect the birds. If you have never tried birding by car, give this method a try. I think you will find it incredibly gratifying and you may just record a new species or two along the way.
The movements of Cedar Waxwings can be incredibly predictable during the month of November. I often find flocks of these birds each year in the same fruit trees.
I have always enjoyed birding in November. Sure the big push of migrants has already moved through and the weather can be fickle at best, but great birding opportunities exist for a variety of species. It is at this time of year that I have some of the best views of Cedar Waxwings as their movements can be extremely predictable.
With seasonal temperatures not conducive to insect activity, waxwings are easily located feeding on fruit. Find fruit trees and you will most likely find waxwings. That being said, be extra observant when searching for Cedar Waxwings in November. During spring and summer months waxwings will regularly give away their location with their high-pitched whistles, but at this time of year they tend to remain almost silent as they gorge themselves on berries.
With most of the leaves now gone from the trees, locating birds is less challenging and one of the many things I like about birding in November.
This week I decided to check one of my favourite locations for finding Cedar Waxwings and in particular a few specific trees. Sure enough, as in previous Novembers, waxwings were present. Also observed among the sizable flock of Cedar Waxwings were large numbers of American Robins also enjoying the bounty of fruit.
As I watched this feeding frenzy I heard the occasional soft call of a robin and the odd whistle from a waxwing, but otherwise this group of hundreds of birds was silent. Cedar Waxwings will not remain in one area long at this time of year though, as once the berries are gone so too will the birds. Finding more fruit trees in areas that are close by and following the flock is key to achieving continued views over the course of the month.
This Bald Eagle was observed along the Thames River in Springbank Park. This is one of my favourite sections of river for observing these majestic raptors all winter long.
November is also when Bald Eagle activity along the Thames River in London, Ontario begins to increase. Eagles that have migrated from our north are often attracted to the river due the fact many sections remain open year round, offering a sustainable food supply throughout the winter months. Combine this with the local population consisting of many first year birds from several nest sites in the area and chances of spotting a Bald Eagle along the river are pretty good. This week I had great views of a mature eagle as it flew downstream in Springbank Park.
This Blue Jay added a touch of colour to an otherwise grey day.
Other plentiful birds around the Forest City in the past seven days were Blue Jays. These birds are often quite vocal revealing their whereabouts making them an easy bird to locate. Speaking of vocal birds, I was treated to great views of a male Red-bellied Woodpecker as it called from high up in a dead tree. Northern Cardinals were yet another songbird heard long before they were seen.
A male Red-bellied Woodpecker takes a break from trying to extract a meal from beneath the bark of a dead tree.
Waterfowl numbers on the Thames River really seemed to increase this week, with mostly Canada Geese and Mallards observed. I always look closely at these large flocks for any ducks that look slightly different as November is when I often find the odd Gadwall or other dabbler mixed in with all the Mallards. This week I did locate an American Black Duck/Mallard hybrid while birding along the river. Within the next month, good numbers of overwintering waterfowl including mergansers and Common Goldeneye will appear on the river for another season.
This male Northern Cardinal was busy foraging on cedar seeds that had fallen to the ground.
If you are not convinced that great birding opportunities are available throughout the month of November, I encourage you to get out and give it a try. Resident birds are always abundant and overwintering species will continue to arrive in the area as the weeks progress. Dress accordingly to the day’s predicted forecast and always be prepared for rain or wet snow as weather in November can change at a moment’s notice. Be extra observant as sometimes birds can be right in front of you while not making a sound, as evidenced by the Cedar Waxwings.
Cedar Waxwings are just one of the many songbirds I target at this time of year.
Birding in November has always been rewarding for me and is why I look forward to the change in weather so much. I think if you visit your favourite natural area this month you too will agree November birding is incredibly rewarding.
Good birding,
*If you were unable to attend one of my November workshops, I have added more dates in January. If you were able to participate, I have added a couple of new workshops that might interest you as well. Please view my upcoming eventsfor more details.*
Fall is a great time to observe White-tailed Deer in Southwestern Ontario.
After the rush of fall migration has passed, I often switch my focus to photographing White-tailed Deer. Fall is mating season, also known as the rut, for these large mammals making them highly active at this time of year. Unlike other times of the year when deer are more active at dusk and dawn, during the rut White-tailed Deer are easily located during daylight hours. Large bucks are often observed at close range as they are less wary of humans during the rut as they have only one thing on their mind.
During the rut, I try to keep my distance from White-tailed Deer as they can be aggressive at this time of year. This particular buck crossed the path only a few meters in front of me.
Research suggests the second full moon following the fall equinox triggers the peak of the rut in White-tailed Deer. With last Friday’s full moon being said moon, I grabbed my camera and headed to the woods in search of some White-tailed Deer.
This doe garnered the attention of several bucks.
Making my way into the woods the imprints of fresh deer tracks were present in the mud, and I knew that the day’s target species couldn’t be too far ahead. A short distance down the trail rustling in the bushes caught my attention as the first White-tailed buck of the day came into view.
Raising may camera I took several photos as this was a decent sized buck with an imposing set of antlers. As he crossed the trail in front of me, a doe behind him was observed grazing on vegetation. A few minutes passed and a smaller buck came into view. The first buck quickly turned and chased the second buck out of the area.
Not all of the bucks on this day had impressive antlers. Several younger bucks were mixed in with the herd.
Doubling back on the trail to not disturb this pair, I made my down another trail. Hearing more rustling in the bushes another buck passed only a few meters in front of me presumably chased by the first buck encountered. Making my way deeper into the woods, several more bucks of various sizes were observed. Some were young bucks with only small antlers while other were mature bucks displaying more remarkable antlers.
This past week I had great views of several bucks demonstrating their typical rutting behavior.
In total, six bucks were observed in this small area all within sight of each other. Mixed in with these bucks were several does. Keeping my distance, I watched from behind a large oak tree. A medium sized buck to my right was busy chasing two smaller bucks whenever they came too close to the does nearest him.
To my left, two larger bucks briefly locked antlers but as I attempted to raise my camera for a photo, a smaller buck was running in my direction as he tried to escape the pursuit of a much larger buck. Not wanting to take my eye off these moving bucks, I failed to capture an image of the battling bucks, but no picture is worth risking my safety. The two bucks quickly unlocked antlers as the slightly smaller of the two seemed to give up rather easily as the exchange was short lived.
This large buck was clearly the king of the forest. Only a subtle movement on his part and the other bucks took notice.
Watching this rutting behaviour was certainly fascinating, and I was grateful to experience it first hand. One other observation I made was the respect that the largest buck in the group commanded. He was the least active of the group, but his limited actions were responded to most by all of the other bucks. As the other bucks chased each other and defended their own small areas, all activity ceased when the largest buck so much as turned his head. One step in any direction and the 5 other bucks were on the move. Observing this chain of command was truly impressive and I could only imagine the battles this buck has lost and won over the years to achieve his spot in the forest’s hierarchy.
From behind a large oak tree, I watched as several mature bucks moved through the forest.
If you are planning on heading out in search of White-tailed Deer in the coming weeks there are a few things to keep in mind. Be aware of the hunting seasons in your area and whether or not hunting is permitted on the land you plan to search. The area I chose is a public area within the city limits and hunting is not permitted. Remember, White-tailed Deer are wild animals and large bucks do defend their territory and the does within it aggressively so be sure to keep your distance. The average weight of a mature White-tailed buck in Ontario is between 140 lbs and 250 lbs, add in a large set of antlers and this is not something you want to be on the receiving end of. Play it safe and observe and photograph mature deer form a distance.
Opportunities to observe large White-tailed Deer will continue throughout the fall.
Despite the peak of the rut coming to an end, White-tailed Deer will continue to breed into December and thus will remain quite active. With the remaining leaves quickly falling from the trees, the added light in the forest makes locating deer and observing them much easier. Many of our ESAs, conservation areas, and other public lands have healthy populations of White-tailed Deer, so travelling far to observe these impressive creatures is not necessary.
Taking in a late fall hike and observing White-tailed Deer is a great way to spend time in nature. Next time you are out at your favorite natural area, listen for movement and keep an eye out for fresh tracks on the ground and you might just be rewarded with an excellent view of a White-tailed Deer.
If you are not getting desired results out of your camera and lens combination, considering joining me for a nature photography workshop.
One of the questions I am asked most is how do I capture the images I do. The simple answer is knowing what camera settings to use in each situation and being able to adjust them quickly to the changing conditions as I shoot. After receiving several requests regarding group nature photography workshops, I found a venue that would allow for both an in-class indoor portion as well as a natural outdoor area with plenty of wildlife for implementing these techniques in a practical setting.
“It was a great workshop Paul! I’ve had a quick look at my photos and notice a big improvement in sharpness!! Thank you for the great tips!”
~ Christine
“Paul did a great job on covering what you need to know to get started with good results, and to build a plan to practice and improve ~Kevin Stewart
“This workshop took the guessing out of what to do with all the buttons. The environment was fun and casual. Paul is a fantastic teacher; his words will guide you as your hands and eyes capture the beauty of nature!”
~Tammy Thibert
Most of the fall nature photography workshops for November are full, with a couple of spaces remaining for Sunday, November 26, 2017. If you are interested in participating, please contact meto register and secure your spot. Unable to make it on the 26th? I may add a few dates in early December if there is enough interest to warrant booking the venue as I know December is a busy month for many people. If participating in a December workshop is something is you are interested in,contact meand I will look into booking the space.
Special thanks to my wife for taking this photo of today’s beautiful workshop location.
Private one-on-one instruction is also available and I will be hosting a variety of other workshops in the new year, including those geared toward birding. Please keep an eye on myUpcoming Eventspage for future workshops or contact me to be added to the list to be among the first notified.
Many of the participants at my nature photography workshop were happy to have the opportunity to photography this female Downy Woodpecker at close range.
Monday, November 6, 2017, marked the first fall nature photography workshop at The Hive, where I shared tips and techniques to help participants achieve better results from their camera and lens. One of the key points I emphasize is investing the time to learn and understand how to properly operate your current gear is more important than investing in more expensive equipment. Quality results have much more to do with the photographer than they do the price tag on your camera and lens.
Black-capped Chickadees made frequent visits to the feeder I placed out for the day’s event.
Each workshop is limited in size to allow for individualized attention and on this day six participants took part. The first half of the workshop took place indoors where we discussed everything from achieving proper exposure to selecting the optimum camera settings for a variety of subjects including birds, butterflies, and landscapes. Participants were encouraged to take notes to use as a guide moving forward, so they can reference the material later and refresh their memories as they implement and practice these techniques on their own.
After ensuring everyone had a basic understanding of the information covered, we headed outside for the second hour to apply these techniques to practical situations. In an effort to guarantee birds for the participants to photograph, I placed a couple of feeders on the south side of the property the week prior in hopes of bringing our feathered friends closer. This typically is not my shooting style as most of my images are taken while hiking at area parks, ESAs, and conservation areas. However, for the purpose of the workshop I wanted to ensure we had a few subjects as many of the participants were using lenses in the 200-300mm range.
During the outdoor portion of the nature photography workshop there was a brief break in the songbirds activity as a pair of Red-tailed Hawks circled overhead.
Immediately upon exiting the building we were greeted by the sounds of several bird species, including American Goldfinch, Black-capped Chickadee, Downy Woodpecker, and Blue Jays. As we made our way over to the feeders, we could see a flurry of activity as birds came and went. Gathering around the feeders, we were presented with great opportunities to photograph the previously mentioned birds while a pair of Red-tailed Hawks circled overhead. I answered further questions from the group, observed and made recommendations on shooting techniques, and reiterated many of the points covered inside as they applied to the day’s shooting conditions.
As the group continued to take photos, I was happy to begin hearing feedback as many of the participants could see improvements as they reviewed their images on their LCD screens. There was a lot of material covered on this day, so I advised the group to implement one technique at a time and practice it until they were comfortable before moving on to another one. Understanding these concepts lays the foundation for achieving the results you want. Improving your photography skills, like anything else, is really contingent on practice. The more you practice, the easier it becomes and the more you will improve.
Blue Jays were among the variety of songbirds located on the property at The Hive during the first of the fall nature photography workshops.
I was really fortunate to have such a great group of people attend the first workshop. It was a pleasure to finally meet many of those who have been loyal blog and social media followers over the years. Sharing my tips and techniques is something I really enjoy, and hearing such great feedback really means a lot to me.
This Female Downy Woodpecker offered plenty of great opportunities for photographs during the nature photography workshop held at The Hive.
Once again thank you to everyone who came out for today’s workshop. It really was a pleasure to meet each of you and share my tips and techniques to help you improve you nature photography.