Breathe Easy: Dispelling The Goldenrod Myth

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Goldenrod is a late-blooming native wildlower found in our area and an important food source for Monarch Butterflies as they make their long migration to Mexico.

Goldenrod is one of the most abundant native wildflowers throughout Southwestern Ontario. Found in meadows, city parks, and even backyards, goldenrod grows just about everywhere. Unfortunately, goldenrod is viewed as a weed by many and its benefits to our landscape are often overlooked. To make matters worse, goldenrod continues to be falsely blamed as a cause of seasonal allergies.

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Common Buckeye nectaring on a goldenrod flower.

Often mistaken for ragweed, goldenrod is considered by many to be a contributing factor to their congestion, runny nose, and watery eyes. The truth is, unlike ragweed which relies on airborne pollination, goldenrod’s pollen is too heavy to travel by air and therefore must rely on butterflies and bees for pollination and consequently does not contribute to seasonal allergies.

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During late summer and early fall a wide variety of butterflies can be found nectaring on goldenrod. Long after other flowers have bloomed, goldenrod provides a vital food source. This Tawny Emperor is one of many butterflies I photographed last September feeding on goldenrod.

Blooming throughout late summer and early fall, goldenrod is an incredibly beneficial late season food source for many pollinators including the Monarch Butterfly. During August and September, monarchs are often found nectaring on goldenrod’s colorfoul yellow flowers providing them the required energy needed to complete their long migration south to their wintering grounds in Mexico.

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Since letting a patch of goldenrod grow in my yard I have seen an increase in the number of American Goldfinches. Finches are just one of the many songbirds that consume goldenrod seeds.

Butterflies are not the only wildlife that benefit from goldenrod, Throughout fall and winter many songbirds can be found feeding on the seed heads after the flowers have lost their vibrant yellow colour. American Goldfinches, Black-capped Chickadees, and Dark-eyed Juncos are among the birds that can commonly be observed in our area feeding on goldenrod seeds.

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Downy Woodpecker preparing to extract a gall fly larva from a goldenrod stalk.

Many insects overwinter in our area at various stages of their life cycles and they too benefit from goldenrod. Dry leaves and stalks provide the perfect location for insects to spend the cold weather months until they are ready to emerge in spring. Goldenrod Gall Flies are just one example of the many insects that use goldenrod to overwinter. Each summer, gall flies lay their eggs on the stalks of goldenrod plants. Once the egg hatches, the larvae burrows into the stalk which forms the round gall that can be found near the top of goldenrod stalks. It is here where the larva will spend the winter before exiting the gall the following spring as an adult fly to start the cycle all over again. Gall fly larva is readily consumed by both chickadees and woodpeckers and these birds are often observed pecking at the galls trying to extract the larva.

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Large mammals including White-tailed Deer use goldenrod as a source of cover.

Goldenrod is an important part of any ecosystem as it provides both food and shelter for many creatures from tiny insects to large mammals including deer. For these reasons, I have incorporated goldenrod into my landscape and am quite happy that I have. I enjoy watching Monarch Butterflies each fall during their migration as they stop to nectar. I do not cut my goldenrod back in the fall after it has bloomed, but rather leave it until the following spring. As a result I have noticed a substantial increase in the number of American Goldfinches visiting my yard each fall and winter as they are attracted to the bounty of seeds produced by this native wildflower. My garden may appear a bit messy to some as a result during these months, but I am happy knowing that these plants are still serving a purpose despite being a little less aesthetically pleasing. Come spring, I then remove the old stalks to make way for the new growth that is emerging.

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Black-capped Chickadee feeding on the seeds of a goldenrod flower.

Due to its tall height and tendency to spread rapidly, goldenrod is not one of the most desired garden plants despite its tremendous benefits to our environment. Over the years, I have discovered a few tricks that have removed many of the headaches associated with goldenrod. First, I stay on top of pulling unwanted small plants in the early spring, which keeps my patch manageable and contained to exactly where I want it. Fortunately goldenrod pulls quite easily especially when the soil is moist after a spring rain. Second, in late June I cut my goldenrod back by about 1/4 to 1/3. By reducing the height of the plant it makes them less top heavy and prevents them from falling over after heavy rains associated with summer thunderstorms. After cutting, the plants bush out and produce more flowers which in turn means more food for the pollinators and more seeds for the birds.

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Dark-eyed Juncos are among the many songbirds that feed on goldenrod seeds.

There are several varieties of goldenrod available at area garden centres that specialize in native plants including those that do not grow as tall or spread as aggressively. If you are interested in adding goldenrod to your landscape, do some research and pick a variety that is best suited to your garden.

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Monarch Butterflies nectaring on goldenrod at Point Pelee National Park.

Searching large patches of goldenrod for wildlife to observe and photogrpah is highly productive at any time of the year. Whether it is insects, birds, or mammals their is always something to find among the leaves, flowers, and stalks of this incredibly important native plant. Next time you are out in the field and come across a patch of goldenrod stop and have a look. I think you will be impressed by the abundance of wildlife that you find relying on this plant for both food and shelter.

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On a trip to Point Pelee National Park during the peak of Monarch Butterfly migration, goldenrod was the nectar plant of choice. It was not uncommon to find multiple Monarchs nectaring on the same flower.

Suffering from seasonal allergies is certainly not a pleasant experience, but when it comes to goldenrod breathe easy knowing that this native wildflower is not to blame and take solace in all the benefits this colourful flower provides to our environment.

Good birding,

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Control Your Backyard Pests The Natural Way

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Bats, like the Big Brown pictured here, can consume 1000 insects per hour each night.

As summer approaches and evening temperatures rise, many people enjoy relaxing on their decks, porches, and patios after a long day at work. These relaxing evenings can quickly be cut short by annoying visitors. No, I’m not talking about the neighbor down the street, or a family member showing up for the dreaded “pop-in”, I’m talking about insects. Mosquitoes especially can quickly ruin and otherwise peaceful evening in your yard. There are plenty of ways for dealing with these and other unwanted insects, but before you go reaching for harmful pesticides, consider the natural method.

Bats are small mammals found throughout our area; they emerge each evening during warmer months to consume mosquitoes and other insects. Some bats consume as many as 1000 insects per hour each evening, making them important members of our ecosystem, and welcome residents in any yard. Attracting bats to your yard is easy, and the perfect, natural method for controlling insects.

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A DIY bat box like this one I built can be made in a couple of hours for less than $15.00

Bats often roost in groups, and providing a shelter in the form of a bat box is one way to attract more bats to your yard. When bats roost, they can fall prey to a variety of predators including, hawks, owls, raccoons, and cats. A bat box will ensure bats are kept safe during roosting hours. Bat boxes are available commercially and can be purchased from the same local retailer where you purchase your nest boxes and feed for your backyard birds. If you are looking for a fun project to do at home with your kids, bat boxes are easy to make with very few tools required.

Currently in Ontario, two of our bats are listed as endangered on the Species at Risk list: the Little Brown Bat and Northern Long-eared Bat. These bats are threatened by White Nose Syndrome, a disease that disrupts their hibernation cycle, causing them to use up their fat reserves before they emerge in the spring when they can actively feed again. While a bat box cannot prevent or cure White Nose Syndrome, it can protect each delicate individual from falling prey to predators.

I recently made my own bat box with free plans I found on the Organization for Bat Conservation website. This project only took a few hours to complete (not including paint drying time) and materials cost less than $15.00. The box I built is large enough to hold up to 100 roosting bats, and easily mounted to the back of my house with two screws. According to the plans, bat boxes should be mounted at least 15 feet high and in area that is obstruction free for 20 feet surrounding the box. Box temperature is key, so here in the north it is recommended that boxes face south to southeast where they will receive a minimum of 6-8 hours of sunlight per day. It is also advised to paint the outside of the bat box dark brown or black with a non-toxic latex paint to absorb more of the sun’s heat.

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It has been more than 40 years since the ban of DDT and the Peregrine Falcon is still listed as a Species at Risk in Ontario; proof that pesticides have harmful, long lasting effects on more than just insects.

Using pesticides has long lasting, harmful effects on our environment. In many cases, non-targeted species including beneficial insects, mammals and birds are impacted by pesticides. DDT was the leading factor in the decimation of several bird species, including the Bald Eagle and Peregrine Falcon. More than 40 years since the ban of DDT, these birds of prey are still listed as Species at Risk in Ontario. More recently, we have seen the negative effects neonicotinoids have on several species. The decline of Honey Bees and other beneficial insects required for pollination and the link to neonicotinoids has been well documented in the media for several years, but more recent studies are linking them to several bird population declines.

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Although not a Species at Risk, the Eastern Phoebe is one of many insect eating birds that has seen their numbers decrease in recent years.

Pesticides harm birds by either reducing the number of insects and therefore depleting their food supply, or by the bird ingesting a poisoned insect. Take a look at the birds listed on the Ontario Species at Risk list and count how many of these consume insects as their sole or primary food. Coincidence? I don’t think so. By poisoning unwanted insects we are also poisoning beneficial insects including Honey Bees, and butterflies, as well as the birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals that consume them.

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The Chimney Swift, an aerial insectivore, is currently listed as threatened in Ontario. Eliminating the use of pesticides is one way to help this species rebound.

Eliminating pesticide use around our homes is a simple measure we can all take to improve our environment. Multiple species, from the tiniest insects to the largest birds will all benefit from your actions. By creating a safe natural environment, one with plenty of native plants and free from chemicals, you will ultimately attract more wildlife. You will also have peace of mind knowing you’ve done your part to make a difference. What better way to relax after a long day at work than to grab your favourite beverage, head outside and enjoy the private natural oasis you’ve created.

Good birding,



Good Birding Report: London, Ontario
May 29 – June 5, 2015

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This brightly coloured male Indigo Bunting was observed at Wawanosh Wetlands Conservation Area in Sarnia, Ontario

Early in the week, I found myself in Sarnia, Ontario with a few spare hours, so naturally I sought out somewhere to go birding. I decided to hike the Wawanosh Wetlands Conservation Area located on Blackwell Road in the city’s east end. Despite the name, the area is more than just wetland, with a nice mix of habitat including a large forested area and open meadows. This variety provides perfect habitat for several species. In total, I observed 32 species while hiking the 2.5 km trail. No rarities to report from this area, but I had excellent views of many songbirds including: Indigo Bunting, Red-eyed Vireo, House Wren, and Cedar Waxwings to name a few. If you ever find yourself in Sarnia and looking for a place to bird, I recommend visiting Wawanosh Wetlands Conservation Area.

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The highlight of this past week was seeing this Common Loon in the Thames River at Greenway Park.

Back home in London, I birded several city parks along the Thames River this past week. The highlight for me was a single Common Loon observed in the Thames at Greenway Park on Wednesday morning. I figured the loon sighting was worthy of reporting to eBIrd, so I began compiling a list and tallied 35 species in total from this visit. The loon was indeed deemed rare by eBIrd, given the species, location, and/or time of year, and I submitted my photo for confirmation. Other species observed that day can be found on my eBird checklist.

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This active Osprey nest at Labatt Park has been used annually for several years.

Further upstream near the forks of the Thames, the Osprey were active near the nest at Labatt Park. When I first arrived a lone bird was sitting on the nest, but it wasn’t long before another adult showed up with a fish in its talons. The morning sun illuminated the birds perfectly against the blue sky. Colonies of Barn and Cliff Swallows are also nesting in the area, with both species being observed flying over the river as they captured insects. Active nests are a positive sign, especially for the Barn Swallow which is a Species at Risk.

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This Red-spotted Purple Butterfly nectaring from this viburnum flower was one of many butterflies observed at Westminster Ponds ESA.

Finally, I wrapped up the week birding at Westminster Ponds ESA. For butterfly enthusiasts, activity here was great with sightings of several species including: Brushfoots, Sulphurs, Skippers, and Hairstreaks. Bird activity was excellent too, including three species of flycatcher: Great Crested, Eastern Phoebe, and Eastern Kingbird. Woodpeckers were also plentiful as I quickly tallied four species: Downy, Hairy, Red-bellied, and the large and very vocal Pileated.

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Eastern Phoebe, Westminster Ponds ESA.

Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Brown Thrashers, and Gray Catbirds could all be seen and heard on the east side of Saunders Pond. An immature Red-tailed Hawk, perched adjacent to the pond, was continuously harassed by both Red-winged Blackbirds and a Baltimore Oriole. Turkey Vultures and an Osprey were among the other birds of prey present. As was the case last week, Killdeer and Spotted Sandpipers were both noticed around the pond. Multiple small songbird species were observed, with warblers, vireos, and various sparrow species recorded.

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Field Sparrows were among the several sparrow species observed in London, Ontario this past week.

With plenty of sunshine and moderate winds predicted, this weekend looks perfect for birding. If I had to pick one area that is producing the best views and the most variety, it would definitely be Westminster Ponds ESA.

Good birding,


Good Birding Report London, Ontario
May 22-29, 2015

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Observing Great Crested Flycatchers often involves looking high up in the canopy of a tree.

Over the past week, birding was quite typical of what we expect across the region in late May. Migration activity has slowed considerably, but great birding opportunities are still available to those who head out. Resident species, and those that have returned to breed in our area, are plentiful and provide birders with some great views.

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As we move into late spring and early summer more butterfly species appear. This Black Swallowtail was one of several species I observed this past week.

I decided early in the week to visit Medway Valley ESA in the northwest end of town. Access to this ESA is available at various locations, but I chose the entrance behind the Elsie Perrin Williams Estate. Immediately, I was treated to the sights and sounds of Red-eyed Vireos. Heading down the narrow dirt trail towards the creek revealed two Indigo Buntings, both beautiful males. Further down the trail, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Chipping Sparrows, and a Gray Catbird were observed.  Once I reached the creek, Barn Swallows could be seen swooping over the water as they fed on insects. A single Belted Kingfisher was perched on a dead limb extending over the creek. As has been the case everywhere I have birded this spring, Yellow Warblers were abundant. A lone Great Blue Heron made its way over the creek with slow but powerful wing beats.

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This male Rose-breasted Grosbeak was one of many colourful birds I observed at Medway Valley ESA.

Hoping to see some shorebirds, particularly Whimbrel, I made my way down to Port Stanley, Ontario on the north shore of Lake Erie. My first stop when arriving in town is always the sewage lagoons. As I turned onto Lake Line, an Eastern Bluebird could be seen on a wire overhead. This particular area is a great place to observe these colourful birds. Arriving at the lagoons, both Bank and Barn Swallows could be observed circling the four ponds. The water on the lagoons was quite high, which is less desirable for shorebirds, and only a few Least Sandpipers were observed. Waterfowl species observed on the four lagoons were: Wood Duck, Blue-winged Teal, American Wigeon, Ring-necked Duck, and Ruddy Ducks.

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This Immature Glaucous Gull, a lifer for me, was observed among a flock of Ring-billed and Herring Gulls on the main beach in Port Stanley, Ontario.

My next stop in Port Stanley was to check the rock break wall, south of Little Beach. Here I found Common Terns, Double Crested Cormorants, and more Least Sandpipers, but unfortunately no Whimbrel. Finally, I headed over to the main beach to see what was present there. No shorebird activity, but several Great Black-backed Gulls, both adults and immatures were observed. While scanning the large flock of Herring and Ring-billed Gulls on the beach, I noticed a large, mostly white gull land. Its immense size and white wing tips indicated it was a Glaucous Gull. These birds are not as common as other gulls in our area as they breed on the high Arctic, but juveniles especially, are known to overwinter on the Great Lakes. I was quite excited by this observation as this was a life bird for me.

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Saunders Pond in the Westminster Ponds ESA revealed my first family of Mallards of the season.

Over the week I made multiple visits to the Westminster Ponds ESA, another one of my favourite locations close to home. One notable sighting was a Common Loon observed on Saunders Pond Monday evening. Brown Thrashers, Great Crested Flycatchers, Pileated Woodpeckers, and an Osprey were all observed within the ESA. It was here that I observed my first Mallard ducklings of the season, as a female with four young slipped through the duckweed on the surface of the pond. Shorebirds including Killdeer and Spotted Sandpipers were observed around the small drainage pond behind Parkwood Hospital.

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Spotted Sandpiper foraging among the rocks of a small drainage pond behind Parkwood Hospital.

Great birding opportunities exist around Southwestern Ontario despite the fact that we are past the prime of spring migration. Avoid the mid day heat and plan your outings either in the morning or evening to yield best results. Experts are warning of a bad tick season, and mosquito activity definitely picked up this past week, so remember to apply a bug repellant with deet before you make your way into the great outdoors. So often I hear people complain that birding is slow throughout the late spring and summer months. Nothing could be further from the truth. Southwestern Ontario falls well within the year round range or breeding range of hundreds of species, making anytime the perfect time to go birding.

Good birding,


Good Birding Report: London, Ontario
February 22- March 1, 2015

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Common Goldeneyes are one of the many species of waterfowl currently overwintering on the Thames River

February departs as the coldest one on record for London, Ontario, but with cold temperatures came great birding opportunities. Once again this winter the volume and variety of waterfowl on the Thames River has been simply spectacular.

This past week I personally observed sixteen species of waterfowl on the river between Springbank and Greenway Parks. The regular overwintering species are all present as well as increasing numbers of the less common visitors. Redheads, Canvasbacks, Long-tailed Ducks, and Red-breasted Mergansers can now be readily observed at various locations on this stretch of river. Among the new arrivals to the river this week were four White-winged Scoters at Greenway Park.

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Male Canvasback shaking the water off after resurfacing from a dive.

A complete list of the waterfowl observed this past week on the Thames River is as follows:

  • American Black Duck

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    Buffleheads are one of the smallest species of waterfowl overwintering on the Thames River.

  • Bufflehead
  • Canada Goose
  • Canvasback
  • Common Goldeneye
  • Common Merganser
  • Greater Scaup
  • Harlequin Duck
  • Hooded Merganser
  • Horned Grebe
  • Long-tailed Duck
  • Mallard
  • Red-breasted Merganser
  • Redhead
  • Red-necked Grebe
  • White-winged Scoter
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I watched this Red-breasted Merganser for several minutes as it struggled to swallow a small catfish.

The rare Harlequin Duck that was first reported on February 10 is still present at Springbank Park. According to local records, this is only the second ever Harlequin Duck recorded in Middlesex County with the last sighting in 1968. This really is a rare opportunity to observe one of these ducks close to home. If you haven’t located this bird yet, my last post Harlequin Duck Continues To Elude Some Area Birders offers suggestions on how to go about locating the Harlequin Duck.

Large, mixed flocks of Herring and Ring-billed Gulls were observed on the ice at Greenway Park. Present in this large flock were two Great Black-backed Gulls. Great Black-backed Gulls are the largest gull in the world and are easily identified by their black backs and white underparts. These Gulls are typically found to our northeast, with their year round range extending from Lake Ontario to the Atlantic Coast. Overwintering Great Black-backed Gulls can often be found along the Lake Erie shoreline; like so many other species this winter they have moved inland due to the increased ice coverage on the Great Lakes in search of food.

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From its perch in a Spruce tree, this Red-tailed Hawk patiently waits for prey to appear below.

Raptor activity along the river has been impressive too. Red-tailed Hawks are readily observed soaring high above, as well as lower down perched in trees. Several mammals including Eastern Grey Squirrels have a hard time moving about in deep snow. As a result, many Squirrels are spending a considerable amount of time in and around evergreen trees where the thick branches have prevented snow from reaching the ground. It is here where these mammals forage on the fallen seeds from various cones, as well as peanuts left by park goers.

Red-tailed Hawks are using this as a perfect feeding opportunity. I recently observed these raptors perched 10-15 feet off the ground in the dense cover of the spruce trees. When an unsuspecting squirrel ventured out from under the tree, the Red-tailed Hawk made a short drop onto its prey. These birds appear to be having a much better success rate with this approach than if they were to dive from high above. As a birder and photographer I do not bait birds of prey, and am not leaving peanuts under the trees for the squirrels in an effort to bait the hawks. Other raptors readily observed are Bald Eagles, Cooper’s and Sharp-shinned Hawks.

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The patchy white feathers on this American Robin indicate it is leucistic.

A large flock of American Robins were located in the west end of Springbank Park next to the dam. These birds could be observed feeding on the berries from the invasive Common Buckthorn tree. Contrary to what many believe, robins are not a sign of spring as Southwestern Ontario falls well within their year round range. Robins are simply less visible during winter months as there diet switches to fruit and berries, and these birds move around frequently in search of food. In years when fruit is less abundant, robins may migrate south. One of the robins in the flock observed was of interest as the white patches on its plumage indicated it was leucistic. Leucism is the loss of pigment which results in these white patches. It differs from albinism in that it is a reduction of multiple pigments not just melanin, and the eye colour is not effected.

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This past week saw an increase in the number of Redheads on the Thames River. These diving ducks feed on aquatic vegetation.

My birding adventures as of late have been limited to Springbank and Greenway Parks. With such a wide variety of birds and the plowed and well packed trails, I have seen little reason to bird anywhere else within the city. As temperatures warm and the snow melts, I look forward to exploring more of my favourite locations and reporting my findings from them.

The time left to view many of these incredible waterfowl species, including the rare Harlequin Duck, so close to home will fade as temperatures increase and spring approaches. Don’t leave it too late or you could miss a once in a lifetime opportunity. Layer up, grab your binoculars or scopes and head down to the Thames River. There is no such thing as a bad day birding along the river. I am quite certain that you too will be impressed with the variety and quantity of waterfowl present on the Thames.

Good birding,


18th Annual Great Backyard Bird Count Happens This Weekend: February 13-16, 2015

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Help scientists document bird populations and seasonal movements by taking part in the Great Backyard Bird Count.

Friday marks the start of the 18th annual Great Backyard Bird Count. If you wish to help scientists track bird populations and seasonal movements with as little fifteen minutes of your time, consider taking part in this four day event. It is free to participate, great fun for beginner and expert birders alike, and the perfect way to introduce newcomers to birding. If you have not participated before, signing up and submitting your counts is easy. Simply go to the Great Backyard Bird Count link and follow the steps to sign up and participate.

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Counting somewhere other than your yard helps gather data about species not typically found in backyards.

Birds can be counted anywhere, anytime during the duration of the four day event. You may count for as little as fifteen minutes a day, or all day if you like. Despite the name, counts are not limited to your backyard. Birds can be counted in your backyard if you like, but you can also participate by counting at your local park, ESA, or other favourite birding hotspot. In fact, counting somewhere other than your backyard helps scientists track birds not typically found in yards such as waterfowl, eagles, and Snowy Owls.

Lists may be submitted once over the four days, everyday, or multiple lists from the same day recorded at different times. Every count is important as it helps scientists understand bird populations, ranges and seasonal movements. The information collected is then compared to that of other years and helps researchers understand how weather influences bird populations, where irruptive species such as the Snowy Owl appear some years and not others, and how diseases like West Nile effects birds in different areas.

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Participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count takes as little as fifteen minutes, and is the perfect opportunity to introduce someone new to the pastime of birding.

If you are new to birding and reluctant to participate, don’t be. Although accuracy is important, every observation is helpful. Submitting counts of just the birds you are comfortable identifying still helps scientists track the movements of those species. The Great Backyard Bird Count presents the perfect opportunity for introducing newcomers to the hobby of birding. If you are an avid birder, be sure to have someone new with you when you do your count. Whether it be a niece, nephew, grandchild, or friend, compile a list together and help them to identify new species. Not only will you be helping science, you might be gaining a new partner for your next birding adventure.
Good birding,

Photography Workshops: Be Ready For Spring Migration

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Photographing fast moving birds is quite challenging. Knowing what camera settings to use and how to quickly adjust them are key to capturing an image.

After receiving several email requests about photography workshops, I am now offering private one on one, or group, in the field workshops to help improve your photography skills, techniques, and ultimately your final images. Wildlife photography is incredibly fun, challenging and frustrating all at the same time. Properly understanding camera functions and settings, and how each pertains to the shot you are trying to capture, will help remove much of the frustration. Being able to make quick, simple adjustments while shooting will have you seeing a substantial improvement in your final images.

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Image quality has more to do with the person behind the camera than the cost of your equipment. This Black-capped Chickadee was photographed with the Canon EFS 55-250mm f-4-5.6 IS II; a lens that retails for $299.00

You do not need to own a professional DSLR or lens that costs as much as a compact car to achieve quality images. One of the misconceptions I hear most when it comes to photography is, “If I had that camera and lens I could take pictures like that too”. This could not be further from the truth. You could run out and spend the equivalent of the down payment on your home for a camera and lens, but if you do not know how to operate them, your end result still won’t be what you are hoping for. During my photography workshops I will show you that image quality has more to do with with the person behind the camera than the price tag on your equipment; you will leave the workshop with the understanding of how to get the most out of your equipment, resulting in better final images.

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My one on one workshops focus on your skill level and your camera and lens setup. I will show you how on your camera to quickly adjust your settings so you will be ready for the changing conditions or subjects.

My one on one photography workshops are designed for you to get the most out of your specific camera and lens setup. I will show you how to get quality results regardless of what equipment you own by simply understanding camera functions and how to adjust them to your subject, shooting style, and conditions on a given day. It does not matter if you shoot Canon, Nikon or another brand, I can help you increase the number of keeper shots you take.

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Wildlife photography not your thing? Understanding camera functions and settings are equally important to better images in landscape photography. Landscape photography workshops are also available.

As a self taught photographer, I have spent countless hours watching, reading and studying tutorials on wildlife and landscape photography and put in the trial and error that goes with them. Many of the tutorials out there are great, but they did not always relate to my shooting style or deal with the constantly changing conditions we face as photographers. These tutorials often left me with more questions than answers, and unfortunately there was no available support to answer my questions.

By spending time with me in the field, I will answer any questions or help clarify areas of confusion as you shoot, so at the end of the day you are left with no questions, just the knowledge needed to improve your photography. If you happen to forget or need a refresher on one of the areas covered at a later date, I am available for follow up support via email.

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Light conditions are constantly changing in wildlife photography. Being able to quickly adjust my camera settings from shooting a cardinal perched in a dark spruce tree to this juvenile Bald Eagle landing against an overcast sky is what captured this image, not the price of my camera or lens.

So who will benefit from my photography workshops?  If you currently achieve better results from your cell phone than your DSLR, I can help. If you are new to digital photography or still shooting in automatic mode, I can help. We will start with the basics, metering and exposure and work up from there. I will show you that leaving shutter speed, aperture, or ISO decisions about the image you are trying to create up to your camera, will not result in the best final image. You need to take control of your camera functions for the specific subject you wish to capture and the conditions you are faced with at that time. This may seem overwhelming, but I will show you this is easily mastered and imperative to better images. If you are more advanced, but still struggle with certain aspects like birds in flight, or difficult lighting situations, I can help here too. Looking to move into full manual mode so you can quickly change from photographing static birds, to birds in flight without lowering the camera from your eye? My workshops will assist here too.

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My one on one photography workshops can be specifically designed to cover various subjects of wildlife photography, including macro shots of insects.

My in the field photography workshops begin at two hours in length. I am confident that in that time frame I will be able to show you how to improve your final images regardless of your skill level. If you wish, I am available for longer sessions, such as half or full days. If you have a group and a venue, and would prefer an in class session or a combined in class and outdoor shooting workshop, this can be arranged. Workshops can be scheduled on weekends, weekdays, or evenings as daylight hours increase.

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Back lit subjects or overcast conditions often result in underexposed images. During my one on one photography workshops, I will show you how to adjust to difficult light conditions.

Mid April is when we will start to see the return of migratory birds as spring migration gets under way. Ospreys, swallows, orioles, and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks are some of the first birds observed in our area. By early May, migration will be in full swing. Warblers, thrushes and other songbirds will be returning to, or moving through the area. Will you be ready to capture all of these beautiful birds with image results you are satisfied with? If not, you have roughly eight weeks to learn and hone the skills needed to do so. My goal is to help you improve the quality of your final images regardless of your current skill level or camera you own. For more information including: price, locations, and how to schedule a workshop, visit my Photography Workshops page.

Good birding,



Could Less Development Be The Solution To Economic And Environmental Issues?

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The Spiny Softshell Turtle is currently listed as threatened on the Species at Risk List. We run the risk of losing this, and other species, if more is not done to protect wildlife habitat.

Birding has recently overtaken golf as the fastest growing recreational activity in the United States. According to a survey conducted by the US Fish and Wildlife Service in 2006, 21% of the population age 16 and older were considered birders. Canadian stats are hard to find, but it is believed that these numbers are proportionately similar north of the border. The demographic with the highest number of birders are those age 55 and older, college educated, with an annual income of $75,000 or greater. So if nearly one quarter of the population birds and earns a comfortable income, why are governments not looking to cash in on this economic opportunity?

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Barn Swallows have seen a population decline of 65% in recent years. As a result, they are now listed as threatened on the Species at Risk list. Habitat loss resulting in insufficient nesting sites, is one of the factors leading to this decline.

It is no secret that many wildlife species have seen a decline in their numbers over recent years. In fact, more species are added to the Species at Risk list each year than are removed. Many factors are to blame, but the one that stands out is habitat loss. As cities grow, more and more land is converted from fields and forests to asphalt and buildings. Protecting species is not good enough, we have to be more diligent about protecting habitat.

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Common Nighthawks are one of several bird species that nest on the ground. As forests and meadows are cleared to make way for development, suitable nesting locations are destroyed. Unfortunately, Common Nighthawks are listed as a special concern on the Species at Risk list as the result of over development.

All levels of government constantly use development to create jobs and stimulate the economy. Land is sold to developers, then cleared, serviced, and buildings go up in the hopes of attracting a tenant. Wildlife is forced to move on and literally search for greener pastures. Sure, the economy gets a quick boost as construction jobs are created, and materials are sold and delivered. However, what happens years down the road when that business closes or moves somewhere else seeking lower operating costs? We are left with a struggling economy and an outdated building that is not suited for today’s industry. How many times do we drive by an empty factory, strip mall or car dealership only to see land being cleared for a new one just down the road? Wildlife is once again forced out as habitat is destroyed. More emphasis needs to be put on protecting and creating habitat by modifying existing buildings to accommodate new business, and convert previously developed unused land back into natural areas.

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The Horned Grebe is listed as a special concern on the Species at Risk list. These birds breed in small freshwater ponds and marshes. As wetlands are replaced by industrial parks and malls, their population has suffered.

If nearly one quarter of the population birds and birding is the fastest growing recreational activity, than why is more not being done to promote and benefit, both environmentally and economically, from this activity? When you compare birding to other recreational activities, one clear difference stands out. There are very few designated areas where birding is the only permitted activity. Golf has golf courses, hockey has arenas, swimming and basketball have pools and gymnasiums located in recreation centers. There are plenty of places to bird, such as city parks and ESAs, but almost none where birding is the only permitted activity. If you are wondering what would be the draw to a designated birding area, imagine trying to golf while someone is flying a kite in the middle of the 18th fairway, or trying to swim laps in a pool while someone casts a lure into your lane. Birding can be done almost anywhere, but is easily disrupted by other activities.

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Banning the DDT over forty years ago helped save Bald Eagles and other raptors. Unfortunately, they are still listed as a special concern in Ontario. These majestic birds now face habitat loss as one of their biggest threats.

Municipalities profit from city owned recreational facilities such as golf courses and arenas by charging to use these facilities. If birding is the fastest growing recreational activity and nearly one quarter of the population does it, than why not create more designated birding areas where a fee is paid to use them? Such areas would not only benefit the environment, but would have long term economic benefits as well.

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Chimney Swifts are listed as threatened on the Species at Risk list. These birds nest and roost in chimneys. When chimneys are capped, lined and torn down their habitat is destroyed. In London, several large roosts exist in chimneys around the city. It is important to save these structures in an effort to save the swift. One chimney that hosts a roost of swifts that we run the risk of losing is located at the old Kingmill’s building. The building is scheduled for major renovations to accommodate Fanshawe College moving in. This is a great example of repurposing a building, but unfortunately to my knowledge, saving the chimney is not in the plan. The Chimney Swift shown here, was successfully rehabilitated and released by Swift Care Ontario.

Creating more federally, provincially or municipally owned, designated birding areas would be quite simple. There is plenty of land available to be saved from developers and designated for such areas. These areas would operate similar to a golf course. You would have a large expanse of land with a mixed habitat. Forests, meadows and wetlands would attract a wide range of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and of course birds. Now instead of charging a membership or green fee from April through November, you charge a membership or entrance fee twelve months of the year. Staff would be employed to collect fees, assist visitors and maintain the grounds just like a golf course. These designated birding areas would have much lower operating costs and carbon footprint than a golf course as no lawn mowers would be running, water consumed, or harmful fertilizers used. The areas would support biodiversity, ecotourism, and be an excellent destination for environmental education.

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The Eastern Meadowlark, another threatened species, nests on the ground in grasslands. If fields and meadows continue to be replaced by concrete and asphalt, their numbers will continue to decline.

Birding is defined as observing birds in their natural habitat as a hobby, but in fact most birders enjoy observing all flora and fauna. Birding is an activity that many take quite seriously. Most birders keep a list of birds observed each calendar year, as well as a list of birds observed in their lifetime. Since not all birds can be found close to home, many birders travel hundreds, even thousands of kilometers in search of new species. Birders have a great impact on the travel and tourism industry.

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The Short-eared Owl, listed as special concern, is another bird of open grasslands. Like the Common Nighthawk and Eastern Meadowlark, it too nests on the ground. All three of these species would benefit from a protected area where development and agriculture wouldn’t threaten their habitat.

Situated between the Atlantic and Mississippi Flyways, two major migration routes, London Ontario’s geographic location is perfect for birding. Thousands of birds pass through the city each year during spring and fall migration. The Thames River is becoming more and more popular each year with birders, as word spreads of the abundance and variety of waterfowl that overwinters here. London is home to several resident species, many of which are listed as Species at Risk. At risk insects, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and plants can also be found across the Forest City, and for many, their numbers continue to decline as habitat is lost.

Having more protected areas for these species would give them a place to reproduce and thrive, having a tremendous environmental impact. These areas could also be used to reintroduce species into the wild or as a release site for rehabilitated wildlife. Having a designated birding area where birders could come and observe nature in its natural element would be a huge boost to our local tourism. Birders would flock to the area wishing to observe these delicate species. Local hotels, restaurants and retail would all benefit from the influx of new visitors to our city.

If you are not convinced birding has an positive impact on the economy, ask the small business and hotel owners in the towns surrounding Point Pelee their thoughts on the Festival of Birds. This birding festival is timed perfectly with spring migration, taking place annually in May. It draws upwards of 50,000 birders from around the world in a three week period, boosting the local economy.

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Removing Milkweed from the noxious weed list was a step in the right direction to help the Monarch Butterfly rebound. We now need to protect large habitats where milkweed grows from development, to ensure the survival of this species currently listed as a special concern.

Designated birding areas would sustain themselves for many years. The positive environmental and economic impacts would be felt long term, unlike many developments. The number of empty buildings covering our landscape would be reduced, making cities more aesthetically pleasing and greener. Cities all across the country are constantly looking at ways to attract and keep people in their city. If one quarter of the population enjoys birding and observing nature, than why not give the people what they want. Maybe it’s time to shift the emphasis off development and onto keeping nature in the city.

Good birding,




Good Birding Report: London, Ontario
January 4-11 2015

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The Brown Creeper can be a difficult bird to locate. Their feather pattern is perfect camouflage against almost any tree bark.

Frigid temperatures and high winds made for predictable birding this past week. As expected, birds could be found in areas out of the wind and close to a food source. Wind breaks come in a variety of forms, and some of my favourites are evergreens, hillsides and riverbanks. The thick foliage of an evergreen tree provides great shelter from elements like wind and snow, as well as hungry predators. These trees are also an excellent food source as their cones contain seeds. The leeward side of a hill or riverbank is also a perfect place to find birds during windy conditions. I located several bird species in these areas feeding on a variety of fruits and seeds from the various trees and shrubs. Although I did not come across any lifers, I did tally 29 species to add to my 2015 year list.

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Common Goldeneye and Common Mergansers are commonly observed on the Thames River during winter months.
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Common Goldeneye male.

Waterfowl numbers on the Thames River drastically increased this past week. As area water bodies freeze several species, including many diving ducks, migrate to the river to overwinter. Good numbers of Common and Hooded Mergansers, Common Goldeneye, and Bufflehead are visible. My favourite stretch of river for observing winter waterfowl is between the Sanitorium Rd bridge in the city’s west end, and the Wharncliffe Road bridge, mere blocks from the city’s core. Large concentrations of waterfowl can be observed on this stretch of river. The river’s current flow in this section keeps the water open year round, providing these ducks with a place to feed. I enjoyed watching a flock of Hooded Mergansers feeding in this area. The ducks dove repeatedly, surfacing with gobies on almost every dive. After catching their fill they proceeded to an ice flow for some preening and a nap.  Springbank or Greenway Park are excellent access points to this section of river. Plenty of free parking is available and walking is made easy as The City of London’s Parks Department does an incredible job of plowing and salting the paved path that parallels the river between these two parks.

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This juvenile Red-tailed Hawk uses the thick foliage of a spruce tree to shelter it from the frigid west wind and blowing snow.

Bald Eagles are also common in this section of river during winter months. In fact, winter is the best time of year to view these majestic raptors along the river within the city. This past week saw I observed adult and juvenile birds flying up and down the river. Other raptor species observed this week were Red-tailed Hawks, a Cooper’s Hawks and a Sharp-shinned Hawk.

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Birds weren’t the only animals seeking refuge from the wind. Unfortunately this Raccoon did not pick the best spot.

Brown Creepers are a resident species across our region, but their numbers do increase in winter as birds that breed to our north migrate to our area to overwinter. Birding in wooded areas this week revealed many of these small, incredibly well camouflaged birds. Brown Creepers can be observed climbing tree trunks as they search for food behind the bark. Their feather pattern blends in with almost any tree bark making them extremely difficult to locate. Learning their call will increase your odds of locating this bird.

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Red-bellied Woodpecker female.

Other tree clinging birds observed this week were: Downy, Hairy, and Red-bellied Woodpeckers, as well as Red-breasted and White-breasted Nuthatches. At one point I observed a Downy, Hairy, and Red-bellied Woodpecker all in the same tree only a few feet away from each other. Unfortunately too far apart to fit all three in a single camera frame.

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White-breasted Nuthatch

Many of the other common year round resident birds were also observed this past week. Cardinals, Blue Jays, Dark-eyed Juncos, and Black-capped Chickadees to name a few. Winter birding can provide some of the best views of the year. Birds are much more visible perched in tree that contains no leaves, and this is one huge advantage of heading out this time of year.

Birding during the cold winter months can be incredibly rewarding and is a great way to stay active. Dressing accordingly and limiting your time outside if needed are key to enjoying this activity. If you wonder what I wear to stay warm during these extreme winter conditions you can read my blog post Enjoy Winter Birding By Dressing For The Weather.

Good birding,





Taking Care Of Backyard Birds During Cold Weather

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Blue Jays are one of the many colourful birds easily attracted to a backyard feeder.

It looks like we are in for a bitter cold week across Southwestern Ontario. High temperatures in the negative teens are forecast, and strong winds will make it feel much colder. As homeowners, there are a few things we can do to make it easier on our feathered friends during adverse weather.

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Black oil sunflower seeds are a favourite of many birds, including Northern Cardinals.

Birds keep warm in several ways during cold weather. One of these methods is by shivering. Shivering raises their metabolic rate, which keeps them warm but uses their fat reserves. Offering a high-quality seed will help replenish energy used during this process. Be careful where you buy your seed from. You may be tempted by what seems like a low price to purchase mixed seed from a big box store. The truth is, seed from a big box store is never fresh, often dusty, and contains several cheap fillers that is less desirable to birds. You may think you are saving a few dollars a bag, but do yourself and the birds a favour and purchase your seed from a birdseed retailer. When you purchase seed from a birdseed retailer, it is always fresh and doesn’t contain cheap fillers. Your backyard birds will consume every seed making it a far better deal than the discount seed that gets scattered on the ground as birds search for the few good seeds.

Your local seed retailer can also advise you on what seed is best for the birds in your area. I like to offer a variety of seed because it attracts the widest variety of birds. Some of my favourite seeds to offer are: black oil sunflower, peanuts (both in the shell and halves), safflower, white millet, nyjer, and suet. If you are reluctant to feed the birds because of the seed shells left behind, many retailers offer a mixed seed that contains no shells. Again, the price may seem a bit high, but remember you are only paying for the weight of the seed, not the shells.

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Dark-eyed Juncos are a species found in our area during winter months. They are a common backyard visitor that often feeds on the ground, cleaning up seeds spilled by other birds.

Fresh water is equally important during cold weather and often attracts more birds to your backyard than food. A heated birdbath is a great way to offer water to birds during winter months. Remember to change the water frequently to ensure that it is fresh. Heated birdbaths can also be purchased from your local seed retailer.

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Providing high-quality seed to backyard birds helps supplement their diet and is more nourishing than other foods.

Birds require shelter during extremely cold temperatures. Shelter protects birds from the cold, wind, snow, freezing rain, and predators such as hawks and cats. Evergreens are a great source of shelter for birds year-round, but especially in winter. If your yard is lacking evergreens than adding shelter is quite simple. The easiest way to provide shelter this time of year is to put your Christmas tree outside. Juncos, cardinals, wrens, chickadees, and sparrows will all quickly seek shelter in the thick branches of a Christmas Tree. Standing these trees upright may be more aesthetically pleasing, but is not necessary; laying the trees down on their sides provides adequate shelter. Adding multiple trees around your yard is even better. Watch for your neighbours to place their trees out to the curb or gather a few from one of the local recycling depots. Positioning them out of prevailing winds and in the sun makes an excellent spot for birds to keep warm. Place a few closer to your feeders to give birds a safe spot to dive into in case a raptor takes a swipe at them. Make sure the trees are far enough away from your feeder that squirrels can’t use them to gain access. Trees can then be placed at the curb in spring when the city resumes picking up yard materials.

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Black-capped Chickadees are one species that huddle in groups for warmth and will benefit from a roost box.

Roost boxes provide excellent shelter for birds during winter. Roost boxes are similar to nest boxes but have perches inside and the hole is located at the bottom. Several birds will enter, then huddle on the perches for warmth. The hole located at the bottom helps to retain heat. Rising hot air is trapped in the box making it that much warmer. Chickadees, woodpeckers, nuthatches and other birds typically use roost boxes at night to stay warm. I have noticed birds on cold windy days and during snow squalls enter my roost boxes to escape the elements. I built my roost boxes with reversible fronts, so they can be converted to next boxes in the spring, but commercial boxes can be purchased at a seed retailer. Roost boxes should be placed out of the wind and in the afternoon sun so they will warm-up for the birds to use at night.

Having a backyard refuge for the birds has several benefits. Not only will you be helping wild birds survive when it is unbearably cold, but it is also a great way to enjoy nature from the comfort of your warm living room.

Good birding,

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